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Re: [tg] terminology question

Ithink people use "overlapped", not "overlapping" for the existing concept, 


On Thu, Oct 31, 2024 at 2:13 PM Ken Olum <kdo cosmos phy tufts edu> wrote:
Here are a few thoughts:

We have this concept "overlapped" or "overlapping".  There seem to be
two uses.  From a thar, you can call "overlapping diamonds" (if I
understood correctly, Andy L would like to call this "overlapping
diamond").  All slots in the two overlapping diamonds are occupied.
>From a grand wave, you can call "overlapping diamonds", and now the
points of one diamond and the centers of the other are occupied.  This
seems to me the split phantom version of the other concept, so maybe it
should be "split phantom overlapping diamonds".

In any case, this seems to be the same concept as what we have been
discussing, so perhaps it's best to keep the name.  Then what Coop
wanted could be called "overlapping twin diamonds", or "overlapping 1/4
tags", as I think they said, and as others have suggested.  I think
there's no confusion as long as what comes after "overlapping" is
clearly an 8-person formation.

There is, however, a problem about how to overlap the formations.  "C1
Phantoms" has a specific rule.  Otherwise we don't know what to do.
Consider, from a thar, "In your overlapping 1/4 tags, just the heads
(one of the waves), All 8 Recycle".  Where do the new couples stand?  I
would say that the couples in a quarter tag are two positions away from
each other, so I'd make stars with the people in the remaining waves.
This is not the formation Coop had.

I suppose you could argue that in C1 Phantoms, regular waves are two
positions apart and therefore 1/4 tags should be four spots apart.  This
puts the couples half a spot outside ends of the remaining wave, at
least within fudging distance of what Coop had.  Perhaps this argues for
"C1 phantom 1/4 tags".

I would certainly not want to add to the things that are just called
"phantom", meaning C1 phantoms.  I think we'd be better off without that
usage even in the usual C1 cases, because "phantom" means too many

Because of the spacing issue, I'm not sure I agree with Justin that
these are simply phantom 1/4 tags.  In the case of phantom waves
where different people are facing different directions, there is a simple
matrix that we can use to overlap the formations.  Here it is more
complicated, but the thing that Coop wanted is not what I would do.


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