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Re: [tg] [Explode-the-tape] On for C3 at Alex's this week

...And I've been pretty sick with a cold that started Sunday night (still consistently testing negative) and rode home with Dave and Andy. I wasn't planning to come, but use that info as you will.

On Wed, Oct 30, 2024, 15:12 Andy Tockman <tockman mit edu> wrote:
I also woke up with a sore throat, but it has now mostly gone away. I thought I started feeling it last night after reading about the positive case at Berkshires, so I was suspicious I was imagining it, and I tested negative for covid both yesterday and today. I'll still plan to come and will wear a mask, but feel very free to request that I not come (either privately to me or via someone else if you want, though I promise I won't feel annoyed at you or anything).

From: explode-the-tape <explode-the-tape-bounces mit edu> on behalf of David Hofer <david hofer gmail com>
Sent: Wednesday, October 30, 2024 14:10
To: list ginda us <list ginda us>
Cc: yduj cs stanford edu <yduj cs stanford edu>; explode-the-tape <explode-the-tape mit edu>; tg cosmos phy tufts edu <tg cosmos phy tufts edu>; jen krishnan alum mit edu <jen krishnan alum mit edu>
Subject: Re: [Explode-the-tape] [tg] On for C3 at Alex's this week
I unfortunately can't make it tonight.  I woke up with a mild sore throat and it hasn't gone away.  The covid test was negative, FWIW.  There are still 10 "yes" entries.  Hopefully everyone else is doing well.


On Wed, Oct 30, 2024 at 11:53 AM Ginda Fisher via tg <tg cosmos phy tufts edu> wrote:
Kaleidoscope squares is probably a hack Vic does with 4 squares, and my guess is it won’t work in Alex’s backyard. (I have danced Vic’s "kaleidoscope squares" at several levels, including C1 last year at FCW.)


> On Oct 30, 2024, at 11:51 AM, Judy Anderson via tg <tg cosmos phy tufts edu> wrote:
> I'll bring my laptop. I have AACE 2005, "hard C3 A Japanese callers" (possibly what you also have), and "c3a kaleidoscope squares" called by Vic, apparently at some Berkshires, and I don't know what that means. There are only two tips, we could find out.
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