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Re: [tg] [Explode-the-tape] On for C3 at Alex's this week

Kaleidoscope squares is probably a hack Vic does with 4 squares, and my 
guess is it won’t work in Alex’s backyard. (I have danced Vic’s 
"kaleidoscope squares" at several levels, including C1 last year at FCW.)


> On Oct 30, 2024, at 11:51 AM, Judy Anderson via tg <tg cosmos phy tufts 
> edu> wrote:
> I'll bring my laptop. I have AACE 2005, "hard C3 A Japanese callers" 
> (possibly what you also have), and "c3a kaleidoscope squares" called by 
> Vic, apparently at some Berkshires, and I don't know what that means. 
> There are only two tips, we could find out.
> -- 
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