Physics TheoryNet Meeting, June 3, 2023 On Zoom MINUTES -------- Attending: Mike Wadness, Medford HS Michael Hirsh, Needham HS Tim Fitzgibbon, Middleborough High School Scott Goelzer, Coe-Brown Northwood Academy NH Tomasz Taylor, Northeastern University Ken Olum, Tufts University Nishant Agarwal, UMass Lowell ********************************************** A. Visits: Maxim Metlitski visited Mike Wadness in Medford. Students were fascinated by Maxim's road from Russia, to Canada, to Massachusetts. He also talked about his research in condensed matter theory. Ken Olum visited Tim Fitzgibbon
in Middleborough High. B. Discussion. We had a long discussion on the impact of AI, so far mostly negative, on high school education. We also brain stormed on using portable telescopes for astronomy nights. C. Next meeting will be at the end of August, on Zoom, to prepare for the forthcoming school year.
Onward Tom _____________________ |