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Re: Doodle poll for Physics Theorynet Winter Meeting

Hi Tom,

I can meet on any of the dates you mentioned but on Zoom, if possible, please. I will probably not be able to visit in-person. Also, I have a slight preference for the weekends in February.



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On Jan 24, 2023, at 9:21 PM, Taylor, Tomasz via PhysicsTheoryNet <physicstheorynet cosmos phy tufts edu> wrote:

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Dear Friends

Please make sure to fill up the Doodle poll, even if you are not planning to come. In this way I can tell who is participating in the program.







From: Taylor, Tomasz via PhysicsTheoryNet <physicstheorynet cosmos phy tufts edu>
Sent: Friday, January 20, 2023 8:26 PM
To: physicstheorynet cosmos phy tufts edu
Subject: Physics Theorynet Winter Meeting


Dear Friends,


It’s time for our Winter Physics Theorynet Meeting, to report on Fall visits and to make plans for Spring. I suggest Jan 28, Feb 4 or Feb 11. Please make your pick on the Doodle poll linked below:




Best regards,


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PhysicsTheoryNet cosmos phy tufts edu