Physics TheoryNet Meeting, September 29, 2018 Room 218 Dana Building, Northeastern University MINUTES -------- Attending: Ken Olum, Tufts University Mike Wadness, Medford HS Elaine Picard, Concord-Carlisle H.S. Nancy Najmi, Reading Memorial HS Michael Hirsh, Needham H.S. Russell Sears, Cohasset H.S. Tomasz Taylor, Northeastern University Jim Halverson, Northeastern University Regrets: Brent Nelson, Northeastern University Richard Levergood, Londonderry HS Scott Goelzer, Coe-Brown Northwood Academy Per Berglund, University of New Hampshire Jesse Thaler, MIT A.
Spring Visits: Only a few visits took place after the May meeting. Jim Halverson visited four Elaine's classes at Concord-Carlisle H.S., mostly in Q&A format. Tom Taylor visited two Russ' AP classes at Cohasset H.S. He talked about expanding
Universe and on the microscopic side, he explained how accelerator experiments probe Nature at shortest possible distances. B.
Pairings remain as last year, with the addition of Javier Virto who is visiting MIT from U. Barcelona and was recruited by Jesse Thaler who was on sabbatical leave. He will be visiting Mike Wadness' classes at Medford H.S. Ken Olum
will be visiting Nancy's classes at Reading H.S. Teachers who were absent at the meeting, please contact your partners to set up visits as soon as possible, before the end of 2018. C.
Equipment. We will be replacing broken power supply for the electron diffraction experiment and ordering one more Helmholtz coil. D.
Next meeting in January, date t.b.a. |