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RE: FW: Gender identity study
In my capacity as executive director of the Sexual Freedom Legal Defense
and Education Fund, I have twice attended a conference (in order to present
a workshop on sex and the law) called "Transcending Boundaries". It is for
the GLBT/Intersex community. At the last one there was a workshop, in
which two intersex panelists made a passionate and to me convincing plea
that babies with intermediate genitals should be LEFT ALONE--that is, not
made to undergo genital surgery to make them look "more normal". This
applied not only to a-penile boys such as those mentioned in the forwarded
study, but also to any baby whose genitals were anomalous . . . girls with
large clitorises for example. Naturally enough, operated-on genitals don't
function very well in adulthood.
I'm a bit of a radical in this area I imagine, and even oppose routine
circumcision of boys, which I consider to be mutilation.