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Re: (ET) BB600 NiCad replacement batteries charging cycle

On 11 Jul 2024 at 12:16, Michael Bergman wrote:

> I understand from lurking that the BB600s should be chargeable using
> the original built-in charger.  I get some results, but don't seem to
> have a full charge. --what setting on the charger is best for these
> batteries? 

Maybe this will help.


Christopher Zach may have some thoughts. He's used BB600s for years. 

That said, I'd be inclined to do more for their care than Christopher did. 
I'd probably spring for a modern charger with a true NiCd profile. I might 
add a DC:DC converter or two to run the lights and/or lift, so as to avoid 
imbalancing the battery.  

However, Christoper seems to have had pretty good results with the old GE 
boat anchor and battery taps.  I expect he'll chime in with more info.

> the brake works in parking brake mode, but doesn't seem to do much
> otherwise.  I have the manual, and am going to attempt to adjust the
> crown nut as described 

There used to be a brake upgrade kit that GE offered for aftermarket 
installation.  No idea whether any are still to be had.  Maybe you could 
check with Jim Coate.


I got one from Bill Gunn about 20 years ago and it made a huge difference. 
I think one improvement was the Z shape of the actuator rod, which added a 
bit of flex / spring to the brake.

> the mower blades need to be sharpened.  Is there a best practice?
> SHould I look for the original sharpener, or just take a file to them?
> I'm planning on trying a file. 

I used a bench grinder.  I bought a fancy magnetic rotary balancer, but 
didn't find significantly more accurate than hanging the blade from a 
thread tied to a nail in the ceiling joists. 

> my "fuel gauge" reads low or dead, all the time.  Occasionally it dips
> into the negative realm, which makes me wonder if it's actually wired
> backwards.  I'll be taking a multimeter to it to see what readings that
> gives. 

That's just an expanded scale voltmeter.  It would have been designed for 
lead batteries.  Their voltage falls faster as they discharge than does 
voltage of NiCd batteries.  

Your NiCd battery's nominal voltage may also be lower than that of a 
similar lead battery.  How many BB600 cells are you using?

> sometimes, the mower will run but the drive motor won't, shortly before
> the point at which nothing happens at all.  I would have expected them
> both to give up the ghost at the same time.  Any thoughts? 

Have you followed the troubleshooting flow charts in the GE Homeowner's 
Service Manual?

Others may have more specific suggestions. I scrapped the GE controller in 
favor of a modern solid state one back around 2005, so I don't remember 
many of the GE controller's quirks any more.

Good luck, I hope you get it sorted.

David Roden - Akron, Ohio, USA

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