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Re: (ET) Front deck roller wheels

Take a look at the condition and shape of the rear rollers. 
As they wear (especially the two outside rollers), they can hinder the 
smooth sliding action of the deck as you turn. 
Consider larger diameter rollers with well rounded ends. 

Sent from my iPhone

> On Sep 24, 2021, at 6:50 PM, John Jeno <jjjeno hotmail com> wrote:
> I’m looking forward to you solution. 
> I attempted this last year and ended up with a massive rectangular 
> structure, 4 wheels.  Stopped and awaiting inspiration from clever 
> people.  
> Sent from my iPhone
>> On Sep 24, 2021, at 5:11 PM, Dean Stuckmann via Elec-trak <elec-trak 
>> cosmos phy tufts edu> wrote:
>> I assume that the springs are installed? If so, going to a heavier 
>> spring would transfer more weight to the front wheels.
>> Take care,
>> Dean
>>>> On Sep 24, 2021, at 4:37 PM, Chris Zach via Elec-trak <elec-trak 
>>>> cosmos phy tufts edu> wrote:
>>> It's not a bad idea: You can buy the brackets that will support a 
>>> wheel on Ebay and I think the original decks were designed for this. 
>>> For some reason though they went with the bar.
>>> When going up a good hill I tend to lift the deck so it is just barely 
>>> off the ground. That puts a lot more weight on the nose of the tractor 
>>> and it steers better.
>>>>> On 9/24/2021 3:54 PM, joeaverage frontiernet net wrote:
>>>> Hello again,
>>>> On my maiden voyage with the E15 last night I saw a few maintenance 
>>>> issues and a design issue I want to try to address.
>>>> When I try to turn hard on a slope, perhaps the grass is a little 
>>>> slippery - and it understeers.
>>>> No sweat, I can imagine once I have my lift back together with a new 
>>>> strap, I can lift the deck a little and get my steering back.
>>>> However the ends of the roller rod has these brackets that scrape the 
>>>> ground and they are surely part of the reason the tractor is not 
>>>> steering well.
>>>> Has anyone put rear deck wheels on these front mowers? I recall a 
>>>> Sears (MTD) lawn tractor I once owned had deck wheels that had 
>>>> rounded edges that could be adapted to fit this deck I think.
>>>> Surely this has been addressed already but I did not check the 
>>>> archives.
>>>> Looking forward to your wisdoms.
>>>> Thanks,
>>>> Chris in Tennessee
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