Dragging a business card through all the leaf relay contacts
is the first thing that I would try.Exert some pressure by pinching the
contact sets together with one hand while doing the dragging with the
other. Also inspect the condition of the connection ends of the leaves and the wire ends that they mate with. When you roll the control cabinet panel down, you may also see evidence of overwintering "guests".Address as needed. RJ Pestka, Dennis J wrote: Having a problem with my Wheelhorse C-185 Tractor after sitting all winter. Tractor moves forward and reverse, but won't get out of the first or second speed. I think these are the speeds controlled by the large resistors in the front of the tractor. I've had this trouble in the past, but was able to get it to speed up by hitting my Cruise Control/Power Pulse button. Now it isn't helping, and looks like I will have to get to the root of this problem. Another thing that I noticed, is that when switched to Reverse the light is bright like normal, but when switched to forward it is still lit, but dim. Any help would be appreciated. Thanks; Dennis Elsberry, MO http://www.evalbum.com/1366 |