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Re: (ET) Electric Tractor Conversion Update

Just because it has two motors doesn't necessarily mean that the mower will have half the range. The motors would just share the current that is needed to move it in any direction. IE half-half current to each motor to go forward, full/zero to turn right, zero/full to turn left, or such.

However, added weight is defintely a concern with gas tractors for those were not originally designed to carry 350# in batteries, but I imagine that they had some good amount of safety factor built in because of the rough terrian they work on. Meanwhile work off those McDonalds cheeseburgers and contribute less to the rider weight factor while you're at it :)


From: David C Robie <mycroftxx1 juno com>
To: metman glasgow-ky com,elec-trak cosmos phy tufts edu
Subject: Re: (ET) Electric Tractor Conversion Update
Date: Tue, 21 Nov 2006 20:17:47 -0500

This thing is going to be heavy (due to battery weight and second
Emotor).   You'll have to deal with that.  By makin her heavier.
Reinforcements etc.

Also - due to the 2 motors (rather than one in an Etrack) she will get
half the range of an Etrak (figuring same battery AH capacity)

We figure these Etractors at 15 HP equivalent.  (The guys that do tractor
pulling are puling against that range of tractor and doing well)  One
motor running at a constant speed (TBD by experiment) running a pump
would do it HP wise if your joystick for turning is 'proportional'
delivery from pump  to both the wheel motors.

What will drive the deck?  Is it hydraulic? (another motor needed??)


Weymouth MA

On Tue, 21 Nov 2006 08:07:22 -0600 "Mike Wallace" <metman glasgow-ky com>
> Geof and all,
> Speaking of converting from ICE to electric, I could use some advice
> and/or tips on doing something similar myself.  Ever since I met
> Shawn Lawless last year at the Louisville Lawn Expo and saw his ZTR,
> I've wanted to try something similar.
> I recently bought an older (late 80's maybe) Model 411 Grasshopper
> with intentions of converting it.  It currently uses an 11 hp Briggs
> (horizontal shaft) driving two Eaton hydro units that then drive the
> wheels through 13:1 double chain reduction systems.
> I'm thinking about using two E15 drive motors and two Alltarx units
> to drive them.  Without a lot of major changes, I think I can
> position the two drive motors parallel to each other with one
> pointing east and the other pointing west.  I'll mount the smallest
> possible #40 sprockets to the output of each motor to drive the
> first 4:1 reduction.
> One possible problem I'm wondering about is that one motor will be
> turning it's normal "optimum" direction and the other will be
> essentially running in reverse while the mower is going forward.
> And visa versa for when backing up.
> Do I need to consider modifying the brush position/location or even
> possibly the field winding connections such that when going the
> predominate forward direction, both motors are in "optimum"
> direction mode?
> With the Briggs engine gone, (this is a front mounted deck
> Grasshopper with the single tail caster wheel) I figure there ought
> to be plenty of room to finally do something with those 60+ Saft
> BB-600 NiCads I've had for about a year now.
> I figure I'll replace the current shaft driven 36" deck with a 42"
> ET deck and that swap shouldn't be a big deal.
> Any of you guys got any suggestions or words of wisdom for me?
> Mike in KY
> ----- Original Message -----
>   From: ThompsonG DFO-MPO GC CA
>   To: elec-trak cosmos phy tufts edu
>   Sent: Tuesday, November 21, 2006 6:38 AM
>   Subject: (ET) Electric Tractor Conversion Update
>   Hello All
>   www.electriclawntractor.com
>   Edmonds Electric says the Electric Conversion Kids will be ready
> early 2007 at $2000, (not sure if that Canadian or American).. I
> also noticed a 36V to 120AC solid sate inverter.
>   I've got a nice little Cub Cadet just waiting for a transplant.
>   Geof Thompson
>   A-60,
>   E-81,
>   ER8-36,
>   R-36
>   E-8,
>   E-10x2,
>   E-12M,
>   E-12,
>   E15x2,
>   E-20x2,
>   B-145X2,
>   C-185,
>   E-141X2.
>   I-5
>   (21)
>   _______________________________________________
>   Elec-trak mailing list
>   Elec-trak cosmos phy tufts edu
>   https://cosmos.phy.tufts.edu/mailman/listinfo/elec-trak

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