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Re: (ET) Mower motor stopped

Oh pshaw !   Thanks for the kudos Raymon - but this is what we should all
do,  help others, increase our communal knowledge.  Which is the purpose
of this board.   I have learned much from this board too, it's
   Every Etractor that's running is one more step in the fight against
the pillaging that has been done to us by the petrofuel industries, and a
simultaneous step to lower the amount of pollutants, global warming, acid
rain, and lung concern gases that get in the atmospere. 
   AND - we can demonstrate the advantages of using cleaner power to mow
our lawns and clear our driveways to others in a way that they can
understand it.  This use and demonstration, hopefully, will lead the
lawncare industry to develop and promote clean electric hardware for the
general public.   This writer's dream is to, in 10 years or possibly
less,  go down to Lowes or Home Depot and see decent battery electric
lawn / snow tractors priced as the present level of mid priced hi quality
gas powered equipment.  With a solar charge option, even if it's
aftermarket.  And for the upscale professional, municipal etc,  such
futuristic machines as the Electric OX  in wide use.

Meanwhile we gotta get greasy and rust/paint  stained to get as many of
the present 'machines of the future' as possible out there mowin blowin
and towin.  This is our 'communal demonstration'  to the lawncare
industry of what the whole Earth needs.  And, besides other advantages to
us personally,  it's a lot of fun.

Weymouth MA

On Thu, 19 Oct 2006 08:38:22 -0400 "Raymon  Ellis"
<raymonellis adelphia net> writes:
> On 18 Sept 2006, Vol 4, Issue 372, David C Robie wrote instructions 
> on how
> to fix a bad mower motor. His 3-step written procedure for doing the 
> work
> and checking the finished product is the best and most comprehensive 
> set of
> instructions I have read. We are fortunate to have members who share 
> their
> vast knowledge in such an unselfish way. Thank you David C Robie for 
> your
> valuable help in keeping our Elec-Trak tractors on the go. 