Date: Mon, 18 Sep 2006 11:45:55 -0400
To: "Banks, Michael J." <mbanks protopower com>
From: Pieter <pvcl plitch com>
Subject: Re: (ET) Leaves and an E-12
Bcc: ?\Current Folders\Tractor
I use an old Sears tow behind sweeper and it
does a pretty good job on both leaves and pine
needles. If the brushes are set too low it will
just lock the drive wheel and skid along behind
the ET. If the brushes are set too high, it
doesn't get up very much or misses the low
spots. In addition, it has a limited basket
behind it, so fairly frequent stops are
necessary to dump leaves onto a tarp to be
dragged to the mulch pile. However, it is
simple to use, relatively cheap and works OK.
I love the answers you will get to this
question. Many will suggest Rube Goldberg"
contraptions that are built from parts lying
around the yard. These will suck the leaves
from the ET mower using a swimming pool cleaning
hose fastened to an old gas powered leaf blower
(now converted to wood fuel) and blow them into
two trash cans on a trailer where a mechanically
operated foot will compact them for later use powering the family bio-mobile.
At 08:49 AM 9/18/2006, you wrote:
Content-class: urn:content-classes:message
Content-Type: multipart/alternative;
I live in New England and its getting to be
fall. Which means tons of leaves in my
yard. I was just curious if any of the
Elec-trakkers out there with a leaf problem
found a way to use the tractor to pick up the
leaves? Do those lawn sweepers that you can
pull with a tractor actually work? Is there a
bagger option for the Elec-Trak?
Colchester, CT
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