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Re: (ET) Steering Removal


If it's just access to wiring you want, it would be easier to remove the firewall. I don't know about the wheel horse tractors but if it's anything similar to the ET's, you can open the hood, take the two bolts out of the top corners of the firewall and the top half will fold away to give you pretty good access to the dash.
I took out both power and fuel gauges yesterday with this open.  It wasn't 
as easy as it would be if I had the dash out, but it is defintely a lot 
easier than trying to pop that steering wheel off...

From: rwlinn aol com
To: elec-trak cosmos phy tufts edu, tcof805365 comcast net
Subject: (ET) Steering Removal
Date: Wed, 06 Sep 2006 08:10:04 -0400

I have a Wheel Horse B-145 that I need to pull the steering wheel off of. I removed the roll pin just below the wheel and through the steering column. I have sprayed several rust desolving sprays on it. I tried a wheel puller even. I would like to remove it so that I can remove the dash to access the wiring better behind the dash. I would appreciate any help in the removal of the steering wheel.
Ron in Michigan
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