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Re: (ET) chnaging tires?

Front tires or rear tires? The fronts are small enough that the blunted screw driver approach will work. You can use that technique on the rears also, depending on your patience and tolerance to pain. <VBG> For my money a friend with a tire changer makes the job much easier, especially if you have to put tubes in them. :)
----- Original Message ----- 
From: "Jim Coate" <jbc coate org>
To: "Elec-Trak" <elec-trak cosmos phy tufts edu>
Sent: Friday, May 26, 2006 1:14 PM
Subject: (ET) chnaging tires?

Does replacing ET tires (or any garden tractor tire for that mater) need
a service center with the proper tire mounting machines like car tires,
or is it more like a bicycle tire that a pair of hand held flat bars can
be used to remove the old tire from the rim and get the new one on?

Put another way, would people generally go to Tractor Supply and just
buy the tire, or go there with the wheel and have them mount the tire as


Jim Coate
1970's Elec-Trak's
1997 Solectria Force
1998 Chevy S-10 NiMH BEV
1997 Chevy S-10 NGV Bi-Fuel

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Elec-trak cosmos phy tufts edu