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Re: (ET) Sleeve hitch

You need the sleeve hitch adapter, which is sort of a 'U'-shaped piece. The ends of the 'U' attach to the hanger under the ET that the trailer hitch attaches to. At the tip of the 'U' is the sleeve hitch. You also need a manual or electric rear lift (which you have now right?). I made one if you want to see it or get measurements. It's pretty simple.
Go to


and hit Model Search, enter


for a view of the manual lift and sleeve hitch.

I think I promised a while back to draw that thing up and provide pictures. I need to get on that....
- SteveS


Christopher Zach wrote:

So I have been using the new rear lift with my dad's Sears dethatcher. Really nice; I can now lift and lower the darn thing using a makeshift mounting point and attaching it straight to the U bar under the tractor
Which brings up a question: What makes up a sleeve hitch for an E20? 
Is it possible to buy one anywhere? I'm thinking of either finding one 
or making one up from a Sears kit of their tractors. But where does it 
attach and how?

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