The idea that ideas are worth money is the scam. Your good work is worth money. If someone builds something for you, then they should get paid. If they just come up with 'ideas', then they should show you the product. Ideas are like armpits; no matter how bad it smells, there is probably another one just like it, and someone else will have two more.
Net creativity. If you think hard and come up with an idea, then you are just burning up energy and not creating something for the universe to use. If you build it or grow it, then you've done something that will be useful in the future (hopefully).
Everything else is overhead. Dan ConineP.S. Join the Pitchfork Party today! Don't do business with anyone you can't reach with your pitchfork. Buy less, buy local, buy only what you need. Peak Oil is coming and it isn't going to be pretty.
looking for a glider. FWIW, It also turns up this page: guess: he's built a mechanical PWM device, using a modified commutator from a starter motor, driven by another motor. Envision a commutator where the segments are cut into triangles, so at one end of the com the segments are close together, and at the other they're far apart. With something like this, the commutator is just a big switch. You spin it and vary the duty cycle by moving the brushes fore and aft. The idea is an old one;