Thanks to all for the help so far, at least it got me to look underneath
tractor (model 26AE12CA WITH FRONT MOWER).
Battery hookup OK - Seat switch OK - Brake switch - no power going in or
Looked around under there and found a 4-wire plug to the motor that had
become unplugged.
Reconnected the plug and - Shazzam!!!! problem solved. Like hell it was.
Now I at least have 36+ volts going through the brake switch. So that is
What I would like know is: Where is the circuit breaker 1 (CB-1)? I can
it on the schematic near the drive motor, but where is it, and what does it
look like, and does it have to be replaced or reset like CB-2 with the red
Anyway, I am making some progress. I am getting some clicking when the
is pushed forward or back to reverse. I was not even getting that before
Oh, and when I reconnected the 4-wire plug I thought I heard a quick
bzzzzz -
which usually means no good. I'll keep trying later. Happy Easter