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Fwd: Order form for shirts with the St. James Cathedral Toronto Guild of Change Ringers logo.

Possibly of interest...

---------- Forwarded message ---------
From: Barb MOORE <sirapbjm gmail com>
Date: Thu, Jul 27, 2023 at 10:57 AM
Subject: Order form for shirts with the St. James Cathedral Toronto Guild
of Change Ringers logo.
To: Rob BANNISTER <Robert Bannister wg98 wharton upenn edu>, Haley BARNETT 
H Barnett gmail com>, Georgina BARRATT <georgina_barratt yahoo co uk>,
Laveita BRINSON <bellsup52 gmail com>, Josh BURSON <joshburson09 gmail 
Eileen BUTLER <thebutlers aol com>, Laura KANG WARD <
how many romans gmail com>, Linda RANKIN <rankin ld gmail com>
Cc: David WILCOX <david wilcox cloverbeen com>, Dan TREGUNNO <
tregunno strategy4 ca>

Hi All,
We are having ringing shirts made up, with the original St. James Cathedral
Toronto Guild of Change Ringers logo.
There is an order form with the AGM registration form on our website HERE
Please place your order ASAP, if you are interested, as I hope you all are,
as it makes for a great group photo.
Enjoy the summer!

Dan Tregunno
Tower Captain
St.James Cathedral Guild of Change Ringers, Toronto

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