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Re: 80th birthday surprise zoom for Geoff today at 12:30
Hello, all,
Please use and share this updated Zoom link:
Topic: claire davies bmc org's Personal Meeting Room
Join Zoom Meeting
On Sun, Feb 6, 2022 at 6:05 AM Cally Perry <cally mail com> wrote:
> Hi folks,
> Claire is having a *surprise* ringers' zoom for Geoff's 80th birthday
> and asked Ed et al. to pass the word. It's at 12:30 EST. Sorry to
> everybody getting a duplicate; it took me a while to realize that sending
> it to the list wouldn’t spoil the surprise.
> Best,
> Cally
> ---------- Forwarded message ---------
> From: Claire Elizabeth Davies <clairedavies526 gmail com>
> Date: Sat, Feb 5, 2022, 12:45 PM
> Subject: Facebook event link (with Zoom link) to wish Geoffrey a happy
> 80th
> To: Ed Futcher <edfutcher gmail com>, Richard Dirksen <
> rdirksen roadrunner com>, <chas webb talktalk net>, <chrissherr icloud
> com>,
> Joan Hutchinson <hutchinson macalester edu>
> Cc: ELIZABETH DAVIES <elizabethdavies2 comcast net>
> Hello there,
> This is Claire, daughter of Geoffrey Davies. As you may or may not know,
> my dad turns 80 tomorrow, Sunday February 6. I created a Facebook event
> for
> a quick Zoom meeting tomorrow, *Sunday February 6 at 12:30pm EST (so
> 5:30pm for UK) *for any ringers who want to wish my dad a happy birthday.
> Feel free to forward this to any ringers who you think might be
> interested:
> https://fb.me/e/1q97RhL8V
> Here is the direct link to the Zoom:
> https://us04web.zoom.us/j/2315776015?pwd=cDM5TWkvM21BbzhPOUFIbjY0ZzYrQT09
> We are taking him out for a family dinner tonight and we plan to have a
> Zoom earlier tomorrow with family from the UK - so this "ringers only"
> Zoom
> will be a surprise!
> Thank you,
> Claire
> *________________________*
> Claire Davies, *LCSW*
> LinkedIn <https://www.linkedin.com/in/321clairedavies/>
> On Fri, Dec 17, 2021 at 11:26 AM PHIL GAY <phil gay btinternet com>
> wrote:
>> Thank you both for your help.
>> I think Feb 6th is close enough to Jan 13th to have footnotes for that
>> peal and quarter
>> best wishes,
>> Phil
>> ------ Original Message ------
>> From: "Cally Perry" <cally perry gmail com>
>> To: "PHIL GAY" <phil gay btinternet com>
>> Cc: "Don Morrison" <dfm ringing org>
>> Sent: Friday, 17 Dec, 21 At 15:59
>> Subject: Re: Help!
>> He will be thrilled! His efforts to get ringing restarted in Boston in
>> the seventies included fundraising as well teaching many people to ring
>> from scratch. I doubt we would be ringing at all without him.
>> I heard back from Claire; His birthday is 6 February.
>> Good luck with your endeavors!
>> Best regards,
>> Cally
>> +1 508-369-4171
>> On Fri, Dec 17, 2021 at 3:30 AM PHIL GAY <phil gay btinternet com>
>> wrote:
>>> Hello both,
>>> thanks for swift replies.
>>> Geoff wrote to me a couple of months ago, and his letter heading
>>> included claire's email address, which I guessed was his daughter but
>>> wasn't sure. A slightly worrying letter, not obvious what state he was
>>> in.
>>> In January 1962 he called a peal at Keele which was Michael Wilshaw's
>>> first peal, the second peal for me and Ray Ballard, and the fourth for
>>> David Danby, all of whom are still ringing . The other member of the
>>> band
>>> was Charles Webb, also still ringing but mostly on handbells. We are
>>> hoping
>>> to ring a peal and quarter, with appropriate contemporaries to help, to
>>> mark the anniversary. Geoff did a great deal in the early sixties to
>>> help
>>> other youngsters get their peal ringing going.
>>> best wishes,
>>> Phil
>>> ------ Original Message ------
>>> From: "Don Morrison" <dfm ringing org>
>>> To: "Cally Perry" <cally mail com>
>>> Cc: "PHIL GAY" <phil gay btinternet com>
>>> Sent: Friday, 17 Dec, 21 At 06:38
>>> Subject: Re: Help!
>>> On Fri, Dec 17, 2021 at 1:31 AM Cally Perry <cally perry gmail com>
>>> wrote:
>>> I'll ask Claire, his daughter.
>>> So much for "sometimes flaky" — thanks for the near instantaneous
>>> reply, and the help!
>>> --
>>> Don Morrison <dfm ringing org>
>>> “Too many colleges are beginning to look like country clubs that
>>> happen to teach stuff, not educational institutions that happen to
>>> have a gym.” – Bret Stephens, the /New York Times/, 18 June 2019
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