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Re: tolling for Prince Philip

 I'm happy to just come along as a counter and/or local guide, if you'd

On Thu, Apr 15, 2021 at 12:02 PM Raphaëlle Soffe <
raphaellesoffe college harvard edu> wrote:

> Hi Dale,
> Happy to help if you still need a volunteer. Used to play bells for my
> local church in Wales, now a Senior at Harvard College.
> Raphaëlle
> On Thu, Apr 15, 2021 at 12:43 PM Joshua Burson <joshburson09 gmail com>
> wrote:
>> Sorry for googling your email address, but I thought I should pass this
>> on, in case you were interested.
>> ---------- Forwarded message ---------
>> From: Dale Winter <moikney gmail com>
>> Date: Wed, Apr 14, 2021 at 7:41 PM
>> Subject: tolling for Prince Philip
>> To: Boston Change Ringers <boston-change-ringers cosmos phy tufts edu>
>> Hi all,
>> We've been asked to toll a bell at ON for Prince Philip's funeral, which
>> is
>> 10am Boston time this Saturday 4/17. We'll need one or two volunteers 
>> (one
>> if chiming, maybe two if ringing full circle, the second person can also
>> help keep count). The suggestion is to ring nine tailors plus 99 blows
>> (one
>> for each year of life) ending at 10am. If ringing full circle we should
>> leave a nice big gap beforehand and after for ringing up and down. There
>> seems to be significant interest in this, e.g. from the british 
>> consulate
>> and possibly some press.
>> The current plan is to meet at 940, though I'm sure that could be 
>> tweaked.
>> Please let me know if you'd like to be involved. Propose that we do this
>> more or less on a first come first served basis.
>> Thanks all!
>> Dale
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> --
> Raphaëlle Soffe, Harvard '21
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