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Re: Ringing for a wedding on Friday, June 15

On 2/12/07, Mish Madsen <mish mit edu> wrote:
please let me know. (Also, if anyone knows if we generally ask for
payment for this sort of thing, please let me know that too.)

Yes, there's a set fee, the amount agreed to with Steve Ayres years
ago (he was keen that we raised it substantially from it had been!). I
don't remember what it is now, but it's three digits of dollars. We
also agreed among ourselves some years ago that half of the amount
would go into the shared ringers' kitty (which I believe is different
than the MIT Guild account under MIT's control -- Laura probably
remembers the details) and the other half is divided among the
ringers. Those ringers that choose can, of course, have their portion
also allocated to the shared ringers' kitty.

Of course, I may be out of date and all that's changed.

Don Morrison <dfm ringing org>, <dfm2 cmu edu>
"In proportion as society grew more corrupt, notions of
morality became increasingly refined."
          -- Marcel Proust, _À la recherche du temps perdu_,
             tr. C. K. Scott Moncrieff