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coordinating NAGCR Dues

Hi Everyone!  At the Advent Guild meeting last thursday, the question
came up as to whether it would work to send in everyone's dues to the
NAGCR as a group.  This is easier on the membership secretary and it
means that people are probably less likely to forget if everyone
renews at the same time.  I got the impression that people at the
meeting were in favor of this happening, but there just hadn't been
anyone willing to see what it would take to make it happen (so I
volunteered).  I emailed Tom Miller to see if there was a clear
cluster of when people are already renewing their memberships so that
there might be minimum disruption.  He said that

4 renew in March
5 renew in June
4 renew in September
17 renew in December

This would make December the obvious choice for when to move people's
renewal dates to.  Tom said that it would be fairly easy for him to
get people synchronized who currently renew in September, June, and
March.  He said " the June people would only pay 1/2 of the required
dues in June, and the September people 1/4 of the required dues in
September, to bring them up to a December 2006 renewal.  In December
we'd collect full dues from everyone and 3/4 dues from the March
people to bring everyone into sync with a December 2007 renewal."

What do people think of this plan?

- Mira

Mira Claire Blumberg
miracb gmail com
blumberm simmons edu
mirab mit edu