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Next Saturday

Hi all!  As Dianne said earlier, there has been a change of plans and
the get-together next Saturday will be at James and my apartment.

When:  7pm, Sat. March 18th
What: socializing, deserts and munchies (if people want to do dinner,
there are several options for ordering).
 Directions are below (hopefully they are slightly more clear than
last time).  Please let me know if you're planning on coming so we can
get enough food (email me or call 617-312-0650).  We only have two
parking permits, but there is some non-permit parking around. Looking
forward to seeing you there!

- Mira


We live at 5 Spencer Ave near Porter/Davis. The full address for
internet mapping programs is
5 Spencer Ave, Somerville, MA 02144

Directions from Porter:
Cross the shopping center across the street from the T stop (it has a
CVS, and Star Market, among other stores) and walk up one of the
streets perpendicular to Elm (Hancock, Cherry, and Cedar are the
easiest ones). Hancock goes all the way through to Spencer Ave, where
you will turn right and walk almost to the end of the street. Cherry
stops at Highland ave, where you should turn right and walk to Cedar
st. Spencer Ave is the next street after Highland. From Cedar, youwill
turn left and it is the second on the right.

Directions from Davis:
Exit the T stop towards College Ave.  Highland is a left when you get
up to street level. Walk down Highland Ave away from Davis Sq until
you get to Ceder St. Turn left onto Ceder and walk a block and turn
left again onto Spencer.  We are the second house on the right.

If you want to drive or bike (and care about one way streets), you
will have to enter Spencer Ave from Hancock street. Hancock is two way
between Highland and Spencer. It is two blocks Davisward of Cedar st.

Mira Claire Blumberg
miracb gmail com
blumberm simmons edu
mirab mit edu