Hi all,
I agree that this is something we should at least consider. And I agree with Allison that we're at a point where we can go masks-optional.
However, I'm going to make a couple of suggestions:
1) That we decide in advance what criteria need to be met for us to go masks-optional (and by extension, at what point we'd make masks mandatory again.) I'd suggest that we do this on the basis of COVID levels in Boston wastewater (see:
https://www.mwra.com/biobot/biobotdata.htm), and that we should set a baseline of, say, 400 copies of viral RNA per mL of wastewater for reimposing a strict mask mandate. (Current levels are about 170 copies/mL)
2) That masks should be optional ONLY if the windows can be kept open-- UNLESS COVID levels get REALLY low, like say under 100 copies/mL. Barring that, if we need to close the windows because it's too cold/there's rain blowing into the ringing chamber, we mask up.
A couple of other thoughts:
3) This should be masks-OPTIONAL, not no-mask. No giving people grief if they want to continue wearing one, for whatever reason;
4) It may well make sense to have different policies for different locations, so that people who don't feel comfortable with masks OR with fellow ringers being unmasked can still ring comfortably.
5) Does it make sense to do an online survey on how people feel on this topic?