(I only go to handbells, in case people are interested in different policies for the two.)

I will continue wearing a mask for the foreseeable future, and I will be more likely to attend if others are also masked. I probably won't leave due to others being unmasked, but it'll make me less eager to come the next time.

On Sat, 20 May 2023, 11:41 Allison Schinagle via Boston-change-ringers, <boston-change-ringers@cosmos.phy.tufts.edu> wrote:
 Hi all,

Given how a lot of organizations have been relaxing their masking
requirements recently, I was wondering if we have a particular condition in
mind when we would do the same? It would be good to know for sure what
would make people more comfortable switching to mask-optional.

Allison Schinagle
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