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Announcement format example:
Time 11:00 AM
Day of Week + Date Tuesday, April 2, 2019
Institution Brandeis University
Lecture Series String Theory Seminar
Room Number Abelson 307
“Title” "Black hole area quantization and gravitational waves"
Speaker + Institution Matthew Kleban, New York University
(Hyperlink optional)
Please, NO flyers, photos, abstracts, etc.
Zhengwei Liu, Tsinghua University & Yanqi Lake Beijing Institute of Mathematical Sciences and Applications
12:00 PM
Tuesday, October 12, 2021
Massachusetts Institute of Technology – Laboratory for Nuclear Science
LNS Lunchtime Seminar
Kolker Room, 26-414
Recent Results from T2K
Kevin Wood
Lawrence Berkeley Laboratory
2:30 PM
Tuesday, October 12, 2021
Tufts University
Joint Tufts/MIT Cosmology Seminar
574 Boston Ave, Room 310
"Spatial Curvature, Dark Energy Dynamics, Neither, or Both?"
Bharat Ratra, Kansas State
Refreshments at 2:00 outside the building, at the corner of Harvard St. and Boston Ave.
4:00 PM
Tuesday, October 12, 2021
Brandeis University
Physics Department Colloquium
Abelson 333
"Phase transitions in the complexity of simulating random shallow quantum circuits"
Aram Harrow, Massachusetts Institute of Technology
3:00 PM
Wednesday, October 13, 2021
Massachusetts Institute of Technology
Plasma Science and Fusion Center Seminar
"Extreme plasma physics of astrophysical compact objects"
Sasha Philippov, Flatiron Institute
For Zoom link contact:
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