Dear Boston Physics Community,
We are having a special visitor from Georgia Tech Research Institute (GTRI) He is here to introduce their recent work in trapped ions, and is here to promote an opening for a
Research Scientist in Quantum Physics (for US citizens only). We are scheduling meetings (
sign up here) with him if people are interested in meeting him one-on-one.
iQuISE Pizza Seminar:
"Trapped-Ion Quantum Information and Neutral-Atom Sensors at Georgia Tech Research Institute"
Dr. Brian Sawyer
April 21st,
Trapped atomic ions are a leading platform for quantum information processing and sensing. Cold trapped ions are amenable to precise experimental control of both their external (motional) and internal (electronic) degrees of freedom, allowing for highly tunable single- and two-qubit quantum gates. In recent years, much experimental work has focused on optimizing surface electrode ion traps for quantum computing applications. I will discuss recent experimental efforts at GTRI in the areas of surface trap fabrication and quantum algorithm demonstration. In addition, I will describe our current work toward development of novel neutral-atom sensors.
PhD Candidate
Quantum Photonics Lab
Research Lab for Electronics, MIT
Office: 36-569