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RE: BAPC - Calendar for the Week of December 9, 2013


Dec 9 – Dec 13 2013


The Boston Area Physics Calendar is published weekly during the academic year by the Department of Physics at MIT.  Entries should be sent no later than 2:00 pm on the Wednesday proceeding the week of the actual event.

NOTE: Entries that are past the deadline will have to be sent by you to the BAPC late entry email address listed below.

ON-TIME submissions:  Send to
bapc-events cosmos phy tufts edu

LATE submissions:  Send to bapc-late cosmos phy tufts edu

SUBSCRIBE or UNSUBSCRIBE to/from the BAPC calendar:  http://cosmos.phy.tufts.edu/bapc.html




12:00 pm

Monday, December 9, 2013

Special Biophysics/Condensed Matter Seminar Metcalf Science Center, Room 352

590 Commonwealth Ave.

"Can One Measure the Temperature of a Language Text?"

Prof. Sasuke Miyazima

Chuba University, Japan


Prof. Henio Aragao

University of Marenhao

Pizza served at 11:45 AM



2:00 pm
Monday, December 9
Harvard University Institute for Theoretical Atomic, Molecular and Optical Physics (ITAMP) & Harvard Chemistry & Chemical Biology
ITAMP/CCB Joint Quantum Sciences Seminar in Chemistry
Pfizer Lecture Hall, Mallinckrodt Building, 12 Oxford Street
“Chemical Dynamics Beyond Born-Oppenheimer"

Prof. John Tully, Yale University
Refreshments served at 1:45 pm




Monday, December 9

Massachusetts Institute of Technology

Center for Theoretical Physics

Nuclear & Particle Theory Seminar

Cosman Seminar Room 6c-442

``Effective WIMP Dark Matter"

Spencer Chang, University of Oregon

Refreshments served.



4:15 PM

Monday, December 9, 2013

Massachusetts Institute of Technology ­ Laboratory for Nuclear Science

Nuclear and Particle Physics Colloquium (NPPC)

Kolker Room, 26-414

"Quantum Liquids and Turbulent Black Holes"

Prof. Allan Adams


Refreshments served at 3:45 pm






12:00 PM

Tuesday, December 10, 2013

Massachusetts Institute of Technology ­ Laboratory for Nuclear Science

LNS Lunchtime Seminar

Kolker Room, 26-414

"Search for the Dark Side"

Dr. Richard Saldahna

University of Chicago

Lunch is provided




3:30 pm

Tuesday, December 10, 2013

Boston University

Physics Colloquium

Metcalf Science Center, Room 109

590 Commonwealth Ave.

"Uncovering the Hidden Skeleton of Flow Transport"

Thomas Peacock


Refreshments served at 3 PM in 1st floor lounge



4:00 PM

Tuesday, December 10, 2013

Massachusetts Institute of Technology ­ Laboratory for Nuclear Science


Kolker Room, 26-414

"Development of a Photon Detection System in Liquid Argon for the Long-Baseline Neutrino Experiment"

Dr. Denver Whittington

Indiana University

Lunch is provided






1:00 pm

Wednesday, Dec 11, 2013

University of Massachusetts Boston

Physics colloquium series

Science building, room 3-126

Felix Werner

École Normale Supérieure

"Unitary Fermi gas, unitary Bose gas: theory and experiments"

Refreshments served at 12:45

Questions: Maxim Olshanii (Olchanyi) <Maxim Olchanyi umb edu>






Thursday, December 12, 2013

Northeastern University

High Energy Theory Seminar

114 Dana Research Center

“A Constrained Top-Down Argument for R-parity conservation”

Piyush Kumar

Yale University

Refreshments served at event.







Friday, December 13

Massachusetts Institute of Technology

Center for Theoretical Physics

Quantum Information seminar

Cosman Seminar Room 6c-442

``Semiconductor Quantum Technologies for Information Processing and Sensing"

Dirk Englund, MIT



3:00 pm

December 13
Massachusetts Institute of Technology
Plasma Science and Fusion Center Seminar
Building NW17-218
"Microplasmas: a lot of physics in a very small package"
Jeffrey Hopwood
Tufts University