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BAPC Announcements: Week of - 11/26 - 30/12

November 26 - 30, 2012


The Boston Area Physics Calendar is published weekly during the academic 
year by the Department of Physics, Boston College.  Entries should reach 
us no later than 2:00 pm on the Wednesday proceeding the week of the 
actual event.

NOTE: Entries that are past the deadline will have to be sent by you to 
the BAPC late entry email address listed below.

ON-TIME submissions:  Send to bapc-events cosmos phy tufts edu 
LATE submissions:  Send to bapc-late cosmos phy tufts edu
SUBSCRIBE or UNSUBSCRIBE to/from the BAPC calendar:  


Monday, November 26, 2012

2:00 pm
Monday, November 26, 2012
Massachusetts Institute of Technology
Center for Theoretical Physics
Nuclear & Particle Theory Seminar
Cosman Seminar Room 6c-442
"Light leptons, Higgs phenomenology and the vacuum of our universe"
Stefania Gori
University of Chicago
Refreshments served.

4:00 pm
Monday, November 26, 2012
Northeastern University
High Energy Physics Seminar
Dana Research Center, Room 114
Weakening Gravity at Short Distances and Times
Anupam Mazumdar
Landcaster University, UK
Refreshments served at event.

4:00 p.m.
Monday, November 26, 2012
Brown University
Department of Physics 
Barus & Holley 168
"The Dark Energy Survey"
Joshua Frieman
University of Chicago/Fermilab
Refreshments begin at 3:30 p.m.

4:15 p.m.
Monday, November 26, 2012
Harvard University
Department of Physics Colloquium
Jefferson 250
"Dynamics of Electron Interactions, The Origin of Fermi Arcs, and Pairing 
in Cuprate Superconductors"
Daniel Dessau
University of Colorado
tea will be served in Jefferson 450 at 3:30 pm 

4:15 PM
Monday, November 26, 2012
Massachusetts Institute of Technology - Laboratory for Nuclear Science
LNS Colloquium
Kolker Room, 26-414
"Light-element Fusion Reactions from First Principles"
Professor Sofia Quaglioni
Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory
Refreshments served at 3:45 pm


Tuesday, November 27, 2012

2:00 pm
Tuesday, November 27, 2012
Boston College
Physics Seminar
Higgins 235
"Chemical and Structural Engineering of Nanomaterials for Energy Devices"
Richard Robinson
Materials Science Department, Cornell University

2:30 pm
Tuesday, November 27, 2012
Tufts University
Joint Tufts/MIT Cosmology Seminar
Robinson Hall, Room 250
"Dual description of a 4d cosmology"
Misha Smolkin
Perimeter Institute
Refreshments at 2:00 in Knipp Library, Room 251

Tuesday, November 27, 2012
Brandeis University
Martin Weiner Lecture Series--Physics Department Colloquium
Abelson 131
"Life at High Reynolds Number"
David Nelson 
Harvard University


Wednesday, November 28, 2012

Wednesday, November 28, 2012
Brandeis University
Theory IGERT Seminar
Abelson 333
"Universal Critical Dynamics in High Resolution Neuronal Avalanche Data"
Tom Butler

Wednesday, Nov 28, 2012
University of Massachusetts Boston
Physics colloquium series
Science building, room 3-126
Jason R. Green
UMass Boston
Refreshments served at 12:45
Questions: Maxim Olshanii (Olchanyi) Maxim Olchanyi umb edu

2 PM
Wednesday, November 28, 2012
Boston University
Condensed Matter Theory Seminar
Metcalf Science Center, Room 328
590 Commonwealth Ave.
"Strongly Correlated Electrons Driven by an Electric Field"
Camille Aron
Rutgers University

2:00 pm
Wednesday, November 28, 2012
Massachusetts Institute of Technology
Center for Theoretical Physics
String/Gravity Theory Seminar
Cosman Seminar Room 6c-442
"Background independent holographic description: From matrix field theory 
to quantum gravity"
Sung-Sik Lee
Perimeter Institute
Refreshments served.

4 pm
Wednesday, November 28, 2012
Harvard University
Laboratory for Particle Physics and Cosmology Seminar
Palfrey House 1st floor conference room (18 Hammond St, Cambridge)
"Shedding light on Dark Matter at CMS using monojets"
Sarah Alam Malik
Rockefeller U./Fermilab

4:00 pm
Wednesday, November 28, 2012
Boston College
Physics Colloquium
Higgins 310
"Probing the Dynamic Behavior of Ferroelectrics at the Atomic Scale in 
Xiaoqing Pan
Materials Science and Engineering, University of Michigan
Refreshments served at 3:30 pm, Higgins Hall 230

4:00 P.M.
Wednesday November 28, 2012
UMass Lowell; Physics colloquia  OH218
Endoscopic microscopy: bridging the radiology-pathology divide
Guillermo(Gary) J. Tearney M.D. PH.D
Harvard Medical School
refreshments 3:30P.M.

4:30 p.m.
Wednesday, November 28, 2012
Harvard University
Special Mathematical Physics Seminar
Jefferson 453
"Mathematical Status of Yang-Mills4"
Tadeusz Balaban
Rutgers University
For questions: 617-495-4320


Thursday, November 29, 2012

Thursday, November 29, 2012
Brandeis University
MRSEC Seminar
Abelson 126
Tuomas Knowles
Cambridge University

4:00 p.m.
Thursday, November 29, 2012
Massachusetts Institute of Technology
The David and Edith Harris Physics Colloquium Series 
Building 10, Room 250
"Topological Insulators and Their Implications for Electronic Order"
Joel Moore
University of California, Berkeley
Refreshments @ 3:30PM in 4-349


Friday, November 30, 2012

2:00 pm
Friday, November 30, 2012
Massachusetts Institute of Technology
Center for Theoretical Physics
Quantum Information Theory Seminar
Cosman Seminar Room 6c-442
Richard Cleve
University of Waterloo
Refreshments served.

3:00 p.m.
November 30
Massachusetts Institute of Technology
Plasma Science and Fusion Center Seminar
Building NW17-218
"Magnetic Reconnection in High-Energy-Density Laser-Produced Plasmas"
Will Fox
University of New Hampshire


Thank You,