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BAPC Announcements: Week of - 04/23 - 27/12


April 23- 27, 2012


The Boston Area Physics Calendar is published weekly during the academic year by the Department of Physics, Boston College.  Entries should reach us no later than 2:00 pm on the Wednesday proceeding the week of the actual event.

NOTE: Entries that are past the deadline will have to be sent by you to the BAPC late entry email address listed below.

ON-TIME submissions:  Send to bapc-events cosmos phy tufts edu

LATE submissions:  Send to bapc-late cosmos phy tufts edu

SUBSCRIBE or UNSUBSCRIBE to/from the BAPC calendar:  http://cosmos.phy.tufts.edu/bapc.html



Monday, April 23, 2012


12:30 PM

Monday, April 23, 2012

Boston University

Particles and Fields Seminar

3 Cummington Street, Room 595

"On Loops in Single Clock Inflation and their IR behavior"

Leonardo Senatore

Stanford University



Monday, April 23, 2012

Massachusetts Institute of Technology

Center of Theoretical Physics

Cosman Seminar room 6c-442

Nuclear & Particle Theory Seminar

"Warped flavor - a penguin's perspective"

Monika Blanke


refreshments will be served


4:15 p.m.

Monday, April 23, 2012

Harvard University

Department of Physics Colloquium

Jefferson 250

"The Effect of a Single Atom on High-Tc Superconductivity"

Jenny Hoffman

Harvard University

tea will be served in Jefferson 450 at 3:30 pm



4:15 PM

Monday, April 23, 2012

Massachusetts Institute of Technology

Laboratory for Nuclear Science

Nuclear and Particle Physics Colloquium

Kolker Room, 26-414


Naomi Makins

University of Illinois

Refreshments served at 3:45 PM



Tuesday, April 24, 2012


12:00 PM

Tuesday, April 24, 2012

Massachusetts Institute of Technology

Laboratory for Nuclear Science

LNS Lunch Time Seminar

Kolker Room, 26-414

"Smashing Atoms for Discovery and Medicine"

Ron Moore

Massachusetts General Hospital


2:00 pm

Tuesday, April 24, 2012

Boston College

Physics Seminar

Higgins 235

"Quantum Transport and Optoelectronics in Graphene on hBN devices"

Pablo Jarillo-Herrero

Massachusetts Institute of Technology

Refreshments served.




Tuesday, April 24, 2011

Tufts University

Joint Tufts/CFA/MIT Cosmology Seminar

Robinson 250

"A quantum gravity completion of the inflationary scenario"

Abhay Ashtekar

Penn State

Refreshments served at 2:00pm in Knipp Library, Room 251


3:30 PM

Tuesday, April 24, 2012

Boston University

Physics Colloquium

32 Edmonds Distinguished Lecture

Metcalf Science Center, Room 109

590 Commonwealth Ave.

"Searching for Exotic Physics in a Pin-Head Sized Storage Ring"

Eric Cornell

Nobel Laureate, University of Colorado and JILA, Boulder

Refreshments served at 3 PM in 1st floor lounge



Tuesday, April 24

Brandeis University

Joint IGERT/Martin Weiner Lecture Series

Abelson 131

Time-reversal invariant topological insulators and superconductors

Taylor Hughes

University of Illinois, Urbana-Champagne



Wednesday, April 25, 2012


1:00pm (note special time)

Wednesday, April 25, 2012

Brandeis University

IGERT Seminar

Abelson 333

Torsion and Viscosity in Condensed Matter Physics

Taylor Hughes

University of Illinois, Urbana-Champagne



Wednesday, Apr 25, 2012

University of Massachusetts Boston

Physics colloquium series

Science building, room 3-126

"Phase Transitions in repeatedly driven interacting systems: aperiodic vs periodic driving"

Luca D'Alessio

Boston U

Refreshments served at 12:45

Questions: Maxim Olshanii (Olchanyi) Maxim Olchanyi umb edu



Wednesday, April 25, 2012

Massachusetts Institute of Technology

Center of Theoretical Physics

Cosman Seminar room 6c-442

String Theory Seminar

"Towards the fast scrambling conjecture"

Patrick Hayden

McGill University

refreshments will be served


4:00 pm

Wednesday, April 25, 2012

Boston College

Physics Colloquium

Higgins 310

"Viscosity of Strongly Interacting Fermions"

Mohit Randeria

Ohio State University

Refreshments served at 3:30 pm, Higgins Hall 230



4:00 P.M.

Wednesday, April 25, 2012

UMass Lowell

OH 218

“Reinventing the light switch: logic with photons ”

Christopher Evans and Eric Mazur

Harvard University

Refreshments at 3:30 P.M. OH218


4:30 PM

Wednesday, April 25, 2012

Institute for Theoretical Atomic, Molecular and Optical Physics (ITAMP) & Harvard Quantum Optics Center (HQOC) Kind of Talk: Joint Atomic Physics and Quantum Optics Colloquium (JAQuOC) Place of Talk: Jefferson 356, Harvard Physics, Harvard University, Cambridge, MA 02138

"Electromagnetically induced transparency in an ultracold Rydberg gas"

Matthias Weidemuller

Heidelberg University; Center for Quantum Dynamics

Additional talk to be announced; begins promptly at 4:00 p.m.

Tea served at 4:00

ITAMP http://www.cfa.harvard.edu/itamp/gcalendar.html

The Institute for Theoretical Atomic, Molecular and Optical Physics


Harvard Quantum Optics Center




Thursday, April 26, 2012



Thursday, April 26, 2012

Tufts Condensed Matter Seminar

Science and Technology Center, Room 132

5 Colby Street, Medford, MA

"Photonics and Electronics Meets High Fashion"

Fiorenzo Omenetto

Tufts University


4 pm.

Thursday, April 26, 2012

Brandeis University

MRSEC Seminar

Abelson 333 (Note room change)

Applications of Möbius group methods to the Kuramoto and other coupled oscillator models

Rennie Mirollo

Boston College


4:00 p.m.

Thursday, April 26, 2012

Massachusetts Institute of Technology

The David and Edith Harris Physics Colloquium Series

Building 10, Room 250

"Revisiting the Double Helix"

Taekjip Ha

University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign

Refreshments @ 3:30PM in 4-349




Friday, April 27, 2012


12 Noon

Friday, April 27, 2012

Boston University

Biophysics/Condensed Matter Seminar

Metcalf Science Center, Room 352

590 Commonwealth Ave.

"Correlations in Graphene"

Valeri Kotov

University of Vermont

Pizza served at 11:45 AM


3:00 p.m.

April 27

Massachusetts Institute of Technology

Plasma Science and Fusion Center Seminar

Building NW17-218

"Simulation of sawteeth and other global tokamak dynamics on the transport timescale"

Stephen Jardin

Princeton Plasma Physics Laboratory





Thank You,


Gisele Byda

Boston College - Physics

617) 552-3575