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Re: A Talk by Yuri Gershtein at BU
I wanted to announce another talk at BU by Yuri Gershtein.
Yuri will be visiting us from Rutgers University.
Here is the abstract of his talk:
Squeezing blood from stone: multivariate methods for higgs search in
di-photons at CMS.
I'll describe the results of a search for the light higgs boson decaying
into photon pairs
using the data CMS experiment collected in 2011 LHC run. Although a search
for a narrow
resonance may seem straightforward, it turns out that kinematical and
instrumental effects
introduce significant complications. To deal with them, CMS collaboration
has developed
several novel multi-variate methods that I will discuss in detail.
Time: Monday, Tuesday 26th of March, 12: 30 .
Room 595.
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