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BAPC - Calendar of Events from 11/10/08 to 11/14/08
November 10, 2008 to November 14, 2008
The Boston Area Physics Calendar is published weekly during the academic
by the Department of Physics at Brandeis University. Entries should
reach us no later than 2:00 pm the Wednesday of the week preceding the week
of the actual event. NOTE: Entries that are past the deadline will have to
be sent by you to the bapc late entry email address listed below.
On time entries send to: bapc-events cosmos phy tufts edu.
Late entries send to: bapc-late cosmos phy tufts edu
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Monday, November 10, 2008
12:30 p.m.
Boston University
Particles and Fields Seminar
3 Cummington St., Room 595
"Scattering amplitudes in N=4 SYM: lessons from strong coupling"
Juan Maldacena
Institute for Advanced Study
4:15 p.m.
Harvard University
Loeb Colloquium
Jefferson Lab, 250
"Clusters of Galaxies, Cosmic Microwave Background Radiation and
Rashid Sunyaev (Max-Planck Institute)
Tea in Jefferson 450 at 3:30 p.m.
4:30 p.m.
Brown University
Department of Physics Colloquium
Barus & Holley 168
"Detecting and Sizing Molecules with Single Nanometer-Scale Pores"
John Kasianowicz
Refreshments begin at 4:00 p.m.
Tuesday, November 11, 2008
2:00 p.m.
Brandeis University
String Theory Seminar
Abelson 229
"Closed string tachyon condensation in E8"
Cynthia Keeler
Harvard University
3:00 p.m.
Harvard University
Loeb Lecture I
Jefferson Lab, 250
"CMB Spectral Distortions Due to Energy Release in the Early Universe"
Rashid Sunyaev (Max-Planck Institute)
4:00 p.m.
Brandeis University
Martin Weiner Lecture Series -- Physics Department Colloquium
Abelson 131
"Soft Active Matter"
Cristina Marchetti
Syracuse University
Refreshments outside Abelson 131 at 3:30 p.m.
Wednesday, November 12, 2008
2:00 p.m.
Massachusetts Institute of Technology
Center for Theoretical Physics, Cosman Seminar Room 6c-442
String/Gravity Theory Seminar
"Holographic responses of fermion matter"
Andrei Parnachev, Rutgers
Refreshments will be served
4:00 p.m.
UMass Lowell
Olney 218
"The State of the Search for Gravitational Waves"
Rainer Weiss
Refreshments @ 3:30 pm in Olney 218
4:15 p.m.
Clark University
Department of Physics - Colloquium
Sackler Science Center, Room S-122
"How viral capsids adapt to mismatched cargoes - identifying mechanisms of
morphology control with simulations"
Professor Michael Hagan
Brandeis University
Department of Physics
Thursday, November 13, 2008
3:00 p.m.
Harvard University
Loeb Lecture II
Jefferson Lab, 250
"Interaction of CMB Photons with Hot Gas in the Clusters of Galaxies and
Observational Consequences"
Rashid Sunyaev (Max-Planck Institute)
3:00 p.m.
Boston University
Biophysics Seminar
Metcalf Science Center, Room 352
590 Commonwealth Ave.
"What can minimal models tell us about the function of biopolymers?"
Bulbul Chakraborty
Brandeis University
4:00 p.m.
Harvard-Smithsonian Center for Astrophysics
CfA Colloquium Series
Phillips Auditorium, 60 Garden Street, Cambridge
"Formation and Evolution of Planets and Debris Disks"
Scott Kenyon
tea and cookies at 3:30 p.m.
4:15 p.m.
Massachusetts Institute of Technology
Weekly Physics Colloquium Series
Building 10, Room 250
"The LHC Machine"
Lyn Evans
Refreshments @ 3:45PM in 4-349 (Pappalardo Community Room)
Friday, November 14, 2008
4:00 p.m.
Harvard University
SEAS Applied Physics Colloquium
29 Oxford Street, Pierce Hall room 209
"The Fountain of Probability: A Surprising Role for Nonconservative
Forces in Optical Traps"
David Grier
New York University