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CORRECTED UPDATED BAPC - Calendar of Events from 03/19/07 to 03/23/07
March 19, 2007 to March 23, 2007
The Boston Area Physics Calendar is published weekly during the academic
year by the Department of Physics at Harvard University. Entries should
reach us no later than 2:00 pm the Wednesday of the week preceding the week
of the actual event. NOTE: Entries that are past the deadline will have to
be sent by you to the bapc late entry email address listed below.
On time entries send to: bapc-events cosmos phy tufts edu
Late entries send to: bapc-late cosmos phy tufts edu
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Monday, March 19, 2007
Massachusetts Institute of Technology
Center for Theoretical Physics
Building NE25
Fourth Floor seminar room
Nuclear and Particle Theory seminar
"The phase diagram of QCD at finite temperature and density"
Philippe de Frocrand
ETH-Zurich and CERN
Refreshments will be served
4:00 pm
Massachusetts Institute of Technology
Quantum Information Processing Seminar
Building 26, Room 214
Jake Taylor
"Small-scale quantum information processing"
4:15 pm
Harvard University
Department of Physics Colloquium
Jefferson 250
"The Art of Light-Based Precision Measurement"
Jun Ye
JILA, University of Colorado
Tea will be served in Jefferson 450 at 3:30 p.m.
4:30 p.m.
Brown University
Department of Physics Colloquium
Barus & Holley 168
2007 Arthur O. Williams Lecture:
"Binary Pulsars and Relativistic Gravity"
Professor Joseph Taylor
Princeton University
Refreshments begin at 4:00 p.m.
Tuesday, March 20, 2007
Massachusetts Institute of Technology
Center for Theoretical Physics
Building NE25
Fourth Floor seminar room
Joint Tufts/CfA/MIT Cosmology seminar
"Large Non-Gaussianities from Single Field Inflation"
Eugene Lim, Yale
Refreshments will be served
3:30 PM
Boston University
Physics Department Colloquium Series
Metcalf Science Center, Room 107
"Unified force law for impact cratering in loose granular media"
Douglas Durian
University of Pennsylvania
Refreshments served at 3:15 PM in the first floor lounge
4:00 pm
Brandeis University
Martin Weiner Lecture Series
Physics Colloquium
Abelson 131
"Modeling the dynamics of gene regulatory networks"
Dr. Aaron Dinner
University of Chicago, Department of Chemistry
Refreshments served outside Abelson, 131 at 3:30pm
Wednesday, March 21, 2007
11:30 am
Tufts University
Lunchtime Seminar
Wednesday March 21, 2007
Robinson Hall, Room 250
"Sub-vacuum Fluctuations in Quantum Optics: Squeezed States and Balanced
Homodyne Detectors"
Piotr Marecki
University of Leipzig
2:30 pm
Brown University
Physics Department
Theoretical Seminar
B&H 555
"Hopf Algebra and the Ads-CFT-S-Matrix"
Dr. Alessandro Torrielli
4:00 p.m.
Department of Physics
Boston College
Professor Chuck Stevens
Salk Institute for Biological Studies
Higgins 310
Refreshments 3:30 p.m. Mugar Atrium
4:00 pm
UMASS Lowell
Physics Department
Colloquium Series, OH218
"Buffer Gas Trapping of Atoms and Molecules"
John Doyle
Harvard University
Refreshments at 3:30 pm
Thursday, March 22, 2007
4:00 pm
Harvard-Smithsonian Center for Astrophysics
CfA Colloquium Series
Phillips Auditorium
60 Garden Street
"The Origin of Brown Dwarfs"
Kevin Luhman
Pennsylvania State University
tea and cookies at 3:30 p.m.
4:15 PM
Massachusetts Institute of Technology
Weekly Physics Colloquium Series
Building 10, Room 250
"Some physics problems in biological networks"
William Bialek
Princeton University
8:00 p.m.
Harvard University
David M. Lee Historical Lecture in Physics
Science Center
1 Oxford St.
"Probing the World Near Absolute Zero: The Discovery of Superfluidity in
Helium Three"
David M. Lee (Cornell) and Douglas D. Osheroff (Stanford)
Refreshments following lecture at the Collection of Historical Scientific
Instruments, Putnam Gallery, Science Center, Room 136
Friday, March 23, 2007
3:00 PM
Massachusetts Institute of Technology
Plasma Science & Fusion Center Seminar
"Cluster Spacecraft Observations of Reconnection in the Earth's Geomagnetic
John Wygant
University of Minnesota