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BAPC November 1-5, 2004

November 1-November 5, 2004


The Boston Area Physics Calendar is published weekly during the academic
year by the Department of Physics at Boston University.  You may send your
announcement by e-mail (bapc-events cosmos phy tufts edu ) or FAX
(617-353-9393).  We cannot accept announcements by telephone.  Entries
should reach us no later than 12:00 p.m. the Tuesday of the week proceeding


Monday, November 1, 2004, 12pm
Northeastern University
Joint Biology/CIRCS Seminar
Snell Library
"Visual processing in the "Developing Zebra Fish"
Professor Florian Engert
Harvard University

Monday, Nov 1, 12:30pm
Boston University
Particles & Fields Seminar
Physics Research Bldg., Room 595
Flavor Physics in Randall-Sundrum I
Gilad Perez
UC Berkeley & LBNL

Monday,  November 1, 2:00PM
Massachusetts Institute of Technology
Nuclear and Particle Theory Seminar
Center for Theoretical Physics, Building 6, Third Floor seminar room
``Motives attached to Feynman Graphs?"
Spencer Bloch
University of Chicago
Refreshments will be served

Monday, November 1, 4:15 p.m.

Harvard University, Chemistry and Chemical Biology,
Mallinckrodt Building, Pfizer Lecture Room,

12 Oxford St.

"Enzymes as Macromolecular Machines."

(The Frank H.  Westheimer Medal and Prize Lecture.)

Thomas A. Steitz

Yale  University.

Monday, November 1, 2004, 4:15pm

Building 1, Room 190  (1-190)

Nuclear and Particle Physics Colloquium
"Women and the Future of Physics"
Howard Georgi
Harvard University

refreshments at 4PM

 Monday, November 1, 2003, 4:15 p.m.

Harvard University

Department of Physics Colloquium

Jefferson 250

"From NMR to  the Imaging of the Diffusion Tensor Field in the Brain and

Andrew Kiruluta

Harvard University

Tea will be served in Jefferson 450 at 3:30 pm


Tuesday, November 2, 2004, 1:30pm
Brandeis University
High Energy Theory Seminar
Physics Building, Room 229
"Conformal Technicolor"
Dr. Takemichi Okui
Boston University

Tuesday,  November 2, 2:30PM
Massachusetts Institute of Technology
Joint Tufts/CfA/MIT Cosmology Seminar
Center for Theoretical Physics, Building 6, Third Floor seminar room
``Exorcising w <-1"
Nemanja Kaloper
University of California at Davis
Refreshments will be served at 2PM

Tuesday, November 2, 2004, 4:00pm
Brandeis University
Martin Weiner Lecture Series, Physics Colloquium
Physics Building, Abelson 131
"Why are Viruses (Almost Always) Icosahedral?"
Professor William M. Gelbart
UCLA, Department of Chemistry and Biochemistry
Refreshments in Room 333 at 3:30pm

Tuesday, November 2, 2004, 4:00 PM


MIT Center for Space Research, 70 Vassar St,
Cambridge, MA

Marlar Lounge, Room 37-252
"Fishing in the Dark: Searching for Extremely Faint Objects in the Solar

Prof. Charles Alcock
Harvard-Smithsonian Center for Astrophysics

Refreshments are served at 3:45 PM.

Tuesday, November 2, 2004, 4pm
Northeastern University
Room 114 Dana Research Building
CIRCS Seminar
"Predictive Information: From Definition to Applications to Biological
Dr. Ilya Nemenman
Center for Computational Biology and Bioinformatics
Columbia University

Tuesday, November 2, 4:00pm

CUA seminar
Harvard, Jefferson Lab 356
"Fractional quantum Hall states in optical lattices"
Anders Sorensen, Niels Bohr Institute

Tuesday, November 2, 2004, 4:15pm

Boston University

Mathematical Physics Seminar

111 Cummington Street, MCS Room 153

"Chern-Simons Theory over Loop Spaces"

Fabian Torres-Ardila

Boston University

Refreshments will be served at 3:45pm

Tuesday, November 2, 2004
Harvard University
Mathematical Physics Seminar
Science Center 507
"Localization in Schroedinger Operators"
Professor Jean Bourgain
Institute for Advanced Study


Wednesday, November 3, 2004, 12 noon
Brandeis University
Condensed Matter Seminar
Physics Building, Room 239
"The onset of jamming as the sudden emergence of an infinite $k$-core
Dr. Jennifer Schwartz
University of Pennsylvania

Wednesday, November 3, 2004, 1:30pm
Clay Research Fellow Lecture Series
Clay Mathematics Institute, One Bow Street, 4th Floor, Cambridge
"Counting field extensions of the rational numbers"
Manjul Bhargava
Princeton University/CMI

Wednesday, November 3, 2:00PM
Massachusetts Institute of Technology
String/Gravity Theory Seminar
Center for Theoretical Physics, Building 6, Third Floor seminar room
``Flux compactifications, supersymmetry breaking and soft terms"
Angel Uranga
Autonoma University-Madrid
Refreshments will be served.

Wednesday, November 3, 2004, 3:00pm
Clay Research Fellow Lecture Series
Clay Mathematics Institute, One Bow Street, 4th Floor, Cambridge

"Counting simple closed geodesics on hyperbolic surfaces and intersection
theory on the moduli spaces of curves"
Maryam Mirzakhani
Princeton University/CMI

Wednesday, November 3, 4:30PM
Massachusetts Institute of Technology
Joint Theory Seminar
Center for Theoretical Physics, Building 6, Third Floor seminar room
``What is inside a black hole?"
Samir Mathur
Ohio State University
Refreshments will be served at 3:45PM

Wednesday, November 3, 2004, 4:30pm
Clay Research Fellow Lecture Series
Clay Mathematics Institute, One Bow Street, 4th Floor, Cambridge

"Two faces of geometric Eisenstein series"
Dennis Gaitsgory
University of Chicago/CMI


Thursday, November 4, 2004, 12pm
Harvard University
The Condensed Matter Theory Seminar
Department of Physics
Lyman 425
"Topological phases, conformal quantum critical points and Cantor
deconfinement in 2D Quantum Dimer Models"
Dr. Eduardo Fradkin
Department of Physics, University of Illinois, Urbana IL

Thursday, November 4, 2004, 1:30pm
Clay Research Fellow Lecture Series
Clay Mathematics Institute, One Bow Street, 4th Floor, Cambridge

 "Counting field extensions of the rational numbers"
Manjul Bhargava
Princeton University/CMI

Thursday, November 4, 2004, 3:00pm
Clay Research Fellow Lecture Series
Clay Mathematics Institute, One Bow Street, 4th Floor, Cambridge

 "Counting simple closed geodesics on hyperbolic surfaces and intersection
theory on the moduli spaces of curves"
Maryam Mirzakhani
Princeton University/CMI

Thursday, November 4, 2004, 4:00 pm
Harvard-Smithsonian Center for Astrophysics
Phillips Auditorium
60 Garden Street, Cambridge
"Stars as Artists: The Shaping of Planetary Nebulae"
Bruce Balick
University of Washington
* tea and cookies at 3:30 p.m. *

Thursday, November 4, 2004, 4pm
Northeastern University
Room 114 Dana Research Building
Physics Colloquium
"Gamma-Ray Astrophysics"
Professor Guy Blaylock
U-Mass Amherst

Thursday, November 4, 2004, 4:15 pm
Clark University, Dept. of Physics, Colloquium
Sackler Sciences Center, Room N-105
"Franchising Self-Paced Web-Enabled K-12 Schools:
Applications to Non-Profit and Public Schools"
David Andersen
Stellar Schools Project Franchising

Thursday, November 4, 5:00 p.m.

Harvard University, Chemistry and Chemical Biology, Mallinckrodt Building,
Pfizer Lecture Room,

12 Oxford St

"Sunlight Initiated Reactions in Atmospheric

(Woodward Lecture Series in the Chemical Sciences/Harvard-MIT Physical
Chemistry Seminar.)  Veronica Vaida, University of Colorado at Boulder.


Friday, November 5, 2004, 2:00 pm

Clay Mathematics Institute Annual Meeting

Harvard University Science Center Lecture Hall C

"The Fundamental Lemma for Unitary Groups"

Gerard Laumon

CNRS and Universite Paris-Sud

November 5, 2004, 3pm

MIT, Department of Mathematics

Infinite-Dimensional Algebra Seminar

Room 2-147

"McKay equivalence for symplectic quotient singularities"

Roman Bezrukavnikov

Moscow Center for Continuous Mathematical Education

Friday, November 5, 2004, 3:45 pm

Clay Mathematics Institute Annual Meeting

Harvard University Science Center Lecture Hall C

"Linear Equations in the Primes: Past, Present, and Future"

Ben Green

Trinity College, Cambridge

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