The Boston Area Physics Calendar for the week of 9/8/03 to 9/14/03 Monday September 8, 2003 ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ MONDAY SEPTEMBER 8, 2003, 4:15 PM _________________________________________________ Monday, September 8th,
2003, 4:15PM Massachusetts Institute of
Technology Nuclear and Particle
Physics Colloquium Building 26-414, Kolker
Room ``Rare Beauty and Charm
Decays and Indirect Searches for New Physics" Matthew
Herndon Fermi National Accelerator
Laboratory __________________________________________________ Monday, September 8, 2003,
4:30 p.m.* Brown University Physics
Department Colloquium Barus and Holley
168 Brown
University Title: "The Quantum Mechanics of Global
Warming" Professor Brad
Marston *Refreshments served at
4:00 p.m. ___________________________________________________ Tuesday, September 9,
2003 ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Tuesday, September 9, 2003,
4:00pm Brandeis
University Martin Weiner Lecture
Series, Physics Colloquium Physics Building, Abelson
131 "Tales from the Red
Planet" Professor John F.C.
Wardle Brandeis
University Refreshments in Room 333 at
3:30pm ______________________________________________________ Tuesday, September 9, 2003,
1:30PM Massachusetts Institute of
Technology Nuclear Theory
Seminar Center for Theoretical
Physics,Building 6, Third Floor seminar room ``Finite-volume techniques
for the low-energy constants of QCD" Mikko
Laine U
Bielefeld Wednesday,
September 10,
2003 ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Wednesday, 10 September
2003 Brown University
Seminar Physics Department, B&H
555 2:30PM "Regularization of Newton
Constant, Trans-Planckian Dispersion Relation and
Symmetry of Particle Spectrum" Prof. Pei-Ming Ho
_________________________________________________ Wednesday, September 10,
2003, 2:00PM Massachusetts Institute of
Technology String Theory
Seminar Center for Theoretical
Physics,Building 6, Third Floor seminar room ``TBA" Shiraz
Minwalla Harvard
University Refreshments to be
served ___________________________________________________ Thursday, September 12, 2003 ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ 9/11/2003 ____________________________________________________ Thursday, September 11,
2002, 4:00 p.m. Harvard-Smithsonian Center
for Astrophysics Phillips
Auditorium 60 Garden Street,
Cambridge "Model Atmospheres of M, L,
and T dwarfs" Peter
Hauschildt Astronomy Dept, University
of Hamburg * tea and cookies at 3:30
p.m. * |