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[Assistant-faculty] yesterday's CERN seminar

Dear All,

A picture is worth a thousand words, have a look yourself at the slides. 
There is also a video. Both CMS and ATLAS will at least triple the amount 
of data, then the results could become really very interesting. I've seen 
quite many 2-3 sigma bumps go away in the past, and I remain skeptical 
about whether those few events are due to Minimal Standard Model Higgs.

Dr Krzysztof Sliwa                                                    
tel(office): +1.617.627.3332
Professor of Physics                                                
fax(office) +1:617.627.3744
Tufts University                                                        
gsm:          +1.781.888.0027
Department of Physics and Astronomy/           Science and Technology 
4 Colby Street, Medford, MA 02155, USA
email: krzysztof sliwa tufts edu, krzysztof sliwa cern ch