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[Assistant-faculty] new facility for hosting web pages

Hi, everyone.  Shawn Doughty, the Arts & Sciences Linux support
person, has a facility for hosting web pages.  You can see how it
works by looking at Roger's page, http://rtobin.phy.tufts.edu/.  This
is an alternative to the Tufts-wide facility at
https://wikis.uit.tufts.edu.  If you are using wikis.uit.tufts.edu and
are happy with it, there's no need to switch, but if you have web
pages not developed using Tufts tools and need a place to host them,
write to Shawn at stryder asunix tufts edu.  I don't think Shawn has
any system for developing the content of your web pages -- its just
for hosting.
