
Kalina Nedkova

Калина Недкова

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I am an observational extragalactic astronomer interested in understanding how galaxies evolve by studying their structure, morphology, and chemical composition across cosmic time. Currently, I am a postdoctoral researcher at Johns Hopkins University/STScI working with Dr. Marc Rafelski. I received my PhD in 2022 from Tufts University under the supervision of Prof. Danilo Marchesini and Dr. Boris Haeussler.

I use a combination of ground- and space-based spectroscopic and photometric data to tackle a variety of open questions. Some of my more recent projects include constraining how the main components of galaxies - namely, the bulge and the disk - have grown in mass and size, as well as determining the effects of dust on galaxy sizes using cosmological simulations. I am especially excited about an ongoing project to measure the mass-metallicity relation of PASSAGE galaxies. PASSAGE is a cycle 1 pure-parallel JWST program that will enable us to learn exquisite details about hundreds of galaxies at cosmic noon (z~2-3).

Currently, I am on the job market, so if you would like to learn more about what I do, please click on the Research button above. Please also feel free to get in touch with me if you have any questions or research ideas you'd like to discuss. I would love to hear from you!

Contact Information

  • Address

    Johns Hopkins University
    Bloomberg Center for Physics and Astronomy
    San Martin Dr, Baltimore, MD 21218
    Office 143