Oct. 25, 1998 - Oct. 31, 1998 THE BOSTON AREA PHYSICS CALENDAR The Boston Area Physics Calendar is published weekly during the academic year by the Department of Physics at Boston College. You may send your announcements by e-mail (bapc@bc.edu) or FAX (617-552-8478). We cannot accept announcements by telephone. Entries should reach us no later than 11:00 a.m. on the Monday of the week preceding the week of the event. ENTRIES RECEIVED AFTER THE DEADLINE WILL NOT BE PUBLISHED. _______________________________________________ Monday, October 26, 1998 Monday, October 26, 1998, 2:00 p.m. Massachusetts Institute of Technology Monday Research Seminar MIT Center for Theoretical Physics, Bldg. 6, Third Floor "E'/E Violates Bell's Inequality" Roberto Floreanini, INFN Monday, October 26, 1998, 3:00 p.m. Harvard University Special Mathematical Physics Seminar Lyman 330 "Nonlinear Criteria for the Construction of Probability Measures in Infinite Dimension and Unitary L^2 Representations of Virasoro Algebras" Professor P. Malliavin University of Paris Monday, October 26, 1988, 4:15 p.m. Massachusetts Institute of Technology Nuclear and Particle Physics Colloquium Kolker Room, 26-414 "CP Violation and Beauty" Boris Kayser National Science Foundation Refreshments will be served at 4:00 p.m. Monday, October 26, 1998, 4:30 p.m. Harvard University Physics Colloquium Jefferson 250 "Single Electron Transport through Quantum Dots" Leo Kouwenhoven University of Delft Tea in Jefferson 450 at 4:00 p.m. Monday, October 26, 1998, 4:30 p.m. Brown University Physics Department Colloquium Barus & Holley 168 "Viscoelastic Properties of Living Tissues and Their Biological Relevance" Professor Gabor Forgacs Clarkson University Refreshments served at 4:00 p.m. ______________________________________________ Tuesday, October 27, 1998 Tuesday, October 27, 1998, 11:45 a.m. Harvard University Special Seminar McKay 532 "Transport in Random Magnetic Flux" Dr. Akira Furusaki Yukawa Institute Kyoto University and Stanford University Tuesday, October 27, 1998, 12:00 - 1:00 p.m. Massachusetts Institute of Technology Modern Optics and Spectroscopy Seminar Marlar Lounge (37-252), McNair Building "Atom Optics with BEC's" Kristian Helmerson NIST Refreshments served following the seminar. Tuesday, October 27, 1998, 3:45 p.m. Boston University Physics Colloquium SCI 107, Metcalf Science Center (590 Comm. Ave.) "Structural Genomics" Dr. Joel Berendzen Los Alamos National Laboratory Tuesday, October 27, 1998, 4:00 p.m. Northeastern University CIRCS Seminar 114 Dana "Long-Memory Processes and Their Biomedical Applications: From Human Heartbeat to Gait" Chung-Kang Peng, Ph.D. Beth Israel Deaconess Med./Harvard Med. School Refreshments served at 3:45 p.m. Tuesday, October 27, 1998, 4:00 p.m. Massachusetts Institute of Technology Nuclear Theory Seminar MIT-Center for Theoretical Physics, Bldg. 6, Third Floor "Wetting of Interfaces in Pure Supersymmetric Yang-Mills Theories" Antonio Campos Massachusetts Institute of Technology Cookies to be served at 3:30 p.m. Tuesday, October 27, 1998, 4:00 p.m. Brandeis University Martin Weiner Lecture Series, Physics Colloquium Physics Building, Abelson 131 "Playing with Paper" Professor L. Mahadevan Massachusetts Institute of Technology Refreshments in Room 333 at 3:30 p.m. Tuesday, October 27, 1998, 4:30 p.m. Massachusetts Institute of Technology Harvard-MIT Math/Physics Seminar MIT Room 4-163 "D-Brane Charges and K-Theory" Professor Edward Witten Institute of Advance Study ______________________________________________ Wednesday, October 28, 1998 Wednesday, October 28, 1998, 10:00 a.m. Harvard University Special Seminar Jefferson 250 "Anti de Sitter Space and the Center of the Gauge Group" Professor Edward Witten IAS - Princeton University Wednesday, October 28, 1998, 4:00 p.m. Northeastern University Condensed Matter Seminar "Effects of Electron-Electron Interaction on the Conductance of Open Quantum Dots" Professor Piet Brouwer Harvard University Coffee at 3:45 Wednesday, October 28, 1998, 4:00 p.m. University of Massachusetts at Lowell Department of Physics Colloquium Olney 428 "New Views of Landscape Erosion" Professor Daniel Rothman Massachusetts Institute of Technology Refreshments at 3:30 p.m. Wednesday, October 28, 1998, 4:00 p.m. Boston University ECE Colloquium Room 206, 8 Saint Mary's Street "E-Commerce, Multimedia and Signal Processing" Ahmed Tewfik University of Minnesota-Twin Cities Campus Refreshments served directly before the talk outside Room 206 Send email to aaleman@bu.edu for more information. Wednesday, October 28, 1998, 4:15 p.m. Boston College Department of Physics Colloquium Higgins Hall, Room 354 "Directions in High Energy Physics" Professor Timothy Toohig Boston College Refreshments will be served at 3:50 p.m. Wednesday, October 28, 1998, 4:30 p.m. Massachusetts Institute of Technology Media Laboratory Colloquium Bartos Theater, Basement-MIT Media Lab (E15) 20 Ames St. "Triggering High Energy Physics Detectors" Professor Wesley H. Smith University of Wisconsin - Madison Refreshments at 4:15 p.m. _________________________________ Thursday, October 29, 1998 Thursday, October 29, 1998, 12:00 noon Harvard University Condensed Matter Theory Seminar Pierce 100F "Structural Relaxation in Supercooled Liquids" Thomas Franosch Harvard University Thursday, October 29, 1998, 3:45 p.m. Boston University Seminar Room 500, College of Arts and Science Building "High-Frequency Radio Waves of Auroral Origin" Professor James LaBelle Dartmouth College Thursday, October 29, 1998, 4:00 p.m. Clark University Department of Physics Colloquium Sackler Science Center, Room N-105 "He Atom Scattering Studies on Aluminum Surfaces" Sharon Finberg Pennsylvania State University Thursday, October 29, 1998, 4:00 p.m. Harvard University Duality Seminar Lyman 330 "Soliton Dynamics in String Theory" Professor Vipal Periwal Princeton University Thursday, October 29, 1998, 4:15 p.m. Massachusetts Institute of Technology Colloquium MIT Room 10-250 "Cosmic Mirages and the Magellan Telescopes" (The Neil and Jane Pappalardo Distinguished Lecture in Astrophysics) Professor Paul Schechter Massachusetts Institute of Technology ______________________________________________ Friday, October 30, 1998 Friday, October 30, 1998, 12:30 p.m. Boston University Condensed Matter Physics Seminar Room 352, Metcalf Science Center (590 Comm. Ave.) "Discrete Breathers in Crystal Lattices" Dr. Konstantin Kladko Max-Planck-Institute for Physics of Complex Systems Friday, October 30, 1998, 3:00 p.m. Tufts University Physics-Astronomy Colloquium Room 136, Science and Technology Center "Women in Science: The Project Access Study" Dr. Gerhard Sonnert Harvard University Refreshments available 15 minutes before the talk. Friday, October 30, 1998, 3:00 p.m. Brandeis University Joint Seminar for the History of 20th Century Science Science Center 226 "Himmelstein's Constant: A Novel of the Contemporary Physicist as Anti-Faust" Professor Ken Alder Northwestern University Friday, October 30, 1998, 4:00 p.m. Harvard University Condensed Matter Seminar Pierce Hall, Room 209 "The Quantum Hall Effects" Professor Bertrand I. Halperin Harvard University Refreshments in the Brooks Room following the seminar. Friday, October 30, 1998, 4:00 p.m. Massachusetts Institute of Technology Plasma Science and Fusion Center Seminar NW17-218, 175 Albany St. "Controlling Ion Energies with Lower Hybrid Waves" Abhay Ram MIT Plasma Science and Fusion Center _________________________ Reminder: Deadline for the Nov. 1 - Nov. 7 issue is Monday, October 26 at 11:00 a.m. _________________________ ---------------------- Joan Drane joan.drane@bc.edu Boston College