Visceral and Pharyngeal Layers of Deep Cervical Fascia

Visceral Layer of Deep Cervical Fascia

  • Lies deep to the infrahyoid muscles, following them to their origin behind the sternum, and splits to enclose the thyroid, trachea, pharynx, and esophagus
  • Attached superiorly to the cricoid cartilage(e), thyroid cartilage(d), and hyoid bone(f)
  • Attached posteriorly to the (Pre)Vertebral Fascia
  • Blends laterally with the carotid sheath and inferiorly with the fibrous pericardium
  • Blends posteriorly and superiorly with pharyngeal fascia of the pharynx
  • Continuous with Investing Fascia at lateral borders of infrahyoid muscles
  • Is refered to pretracheal anteriorly(a) and retrovisceral(c) posteriorly.

Visceral Layer of Deep Cervical Fascia

  • Thin layer on the pharynx itself
  • Often broken down into Retropharyngeal(b), Lateral Pharyngeal and Buccopharyngeal components as it posteriorly to anteriorly envelops the pharynx
  • Retropharyngeal fascia is considered continuous below (T2) with the visceral fascia on the esophagus(Retrovisceral/Retroesophageal Fascia)
  • Separates the muscular wall of the pharynx from certain potential spaces that largely surround it.
  • Other Components of Visceral Fascia discussed in detail in Suprahyoid section