Amusing Jocelyn bedtime story

This evening as I was putting Jocelyn to bed, I was, as usual, singing Gaudeamus Hodie to her. Suddenly, she asked, "Do you know what 'quiet singing' is?"

"No," I said.

"It's when you sing but you don't sing," she explained.

"Oh, you mean like this?" And I sang "Gaudeamus" with la, la, la.

"No," she objected.

"Then, do you mean humming?" and I hummed a few bars.

"No!" she said. I was bewildered.

Then I said, "You mean, when you hear the song just inside your head?"

"Yes!" she answered. "Now, you quiet-sing 'Gaudeamus' and I will too." We sat in silence for a few moments. Then she said, "Now, 'Lullay'" and we sat some more. I was dutifully singing The Coventry Carol in my head, when she called out, "'Don't Fence Me In!'". I complied. In a moment she said, "Are you singing 'Don't Fence Me In'?" I said, "Yes, you told me to." She nodded. "Now, sing 'Gaudeamus'.

I said, "You mean, out loud?"

She said, "Yes." I sang 'Gaudeamus Hodie' through a few times and she was asleep.

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