Jocelyn and Perry Olum at 9 months

Jocelyn measures about 27 3/4" long which is 58th percentile for U.S. girls of her age. She weighs 23.2 lbs., which puts her in the 98th percentile, and is the median weight of a 16 month old girl.

Perry measures about 28 3/4", which is 68th percentile. He weighs 26.0 lbs., which is also 98th percentile, and is the median weight of an 18 month old boy.

Jocelyn can roll over both ways and can get from a sitting position to a crawling position and vice versa. She can stand up by pushing against your leg when you're sitting, but she cannot balance. She can squirm backward, but she hates it. She has everything she needs to crawl, and occasionally takes a single crawling step, but it's very frustrating, and she doesn't do it much. She loves to stand and hold on to a piece of furniture, but she falls occasionally.

Perry doesn't have much interest in locomotion, but he can push himself backward quite rapidly when he wants to. He can remain standing by holding onto something, but only with difficulty.

Perry and Jocelyn eat a wide range of grains, vegetables, and fruits. So far they have not been allergic to any food. Jocelyn's favorite food is oatmeal and Perry's is avocado. They typically have 3 meals a day although Jocelyn sometimes skips them.

Perry can recognize many words and phrases, such as "all gone" and "avocado". Both Jocelyn and Perry appear to know their names. Neither of them has said any recognizable word.

Perry loves to be read to. His current favorite book is "Baby's colors". He often fusses when you get to the end of the book, which we interpret as "again!"

They are on a fairly regular schedule of going to bed at 9:00 or 9:30, getting up to nurse at 4:30 or 5:00 and getting up for the day around 6:00. They have gotten very efficient at nursing, so that Judy doesn't have to be awake very long to nurse them. Their napping schedules are irregular. Sometimes they have 3 naps and a day and sometimes only 1. Perry would like to go to sleep earlier and get up earlier; we try to keep him awake until 9:00 so that he doesn't get up so early in the morning.

Jocelyn seems clearly right-handed, but Perry uses his hands interchangeably and hasn't shown a clear preference for one over the other.

Jocelyn shows strong separation anxiety when Judy walks away from her or leaves the room. She often cries loudly (although not usually for very long). We try to alleviate it by saying "Say goodbye to mommy", and so on, which seems helpful.

Perry has it somewhat, but not so much. He's upset in the evenings if he doesn't have someone he knows very well.

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