Jocelyn and Perry Olum at 6 months

Jocelyn weighs 18.0 lbs., which puts her in the 86th percentile for U.S. girls of her age. She measures about 25" long (a measurement which is very hard to do accurately) which is 25th percentile. For her length, her weight is 97th percentile.

Perry weighs 20.8 lbs., which is 93rd percentile. He measures about 26 1/2", which is 54th percentile. That puts him in the 98th percentile of weight for length. (Due to some strangeness in the statistics, a baby of median weight and median length at 6 months is nevertheless in the 66th percentile of weight for length.)

About 6 weeks ago, Jocelyn rolled over several times from her front to her back, but then she seemed to lose interest in that, and hasn't done it in a long time. She has never rolled the other way. Perry has never rolled over either way. Both of them can lift their heads up pretty well when lying on their tummies, and seem to be trying to get their knees under them. Perry can turn around on a smooth surface by wriggling his hands and feet. Both can sit by themselves for long periods of time but will eventually fall over.

Perry started on solid foods 2 weeks ago and is eating rice cereal, oatmeal, bananas, and avocados. He gets about 1/3 of his calories from solid foods. Jocelyn started a few days ago and is eating rice cereal and oatmeal. The solid foods makes it much easier for Perry to get the large amount of calories that he needs, and we don't fall behind so much on milk when Judy is at work.

They are on a fairly regular schedule of going to bed between 9:30 and 10:00 and not needing to nurse until 4:30. Unfortunately they often wake up anyway in the interval and Valerie has to soothe them back to sleep. They get up between 6:00 and 7:00. They have some food for breakfast and usually Judy can sleep until she wakes up around 8:30.

Both Jocelyn and Perry usually have a nap around 9 a.m. and another around noon, and sometimes in the late afternoon. They sleep for 30 minutes to an hour. The whole thing is not very regular.

Jocelyn is very good at reaching out and grabbing things that she sees. Usually they go in her mouth, and then she drops them and watches where they go. Perry has less dexterity and not as much interest in dropping things.

Perry has complicated vocalizations, "bya-da" and so on. Jocelyn less so.

Jocelyn and Perry home page