Jocelyn and Perry Olum at 5 years

At 61 months, Perry measured 3'8" (68th percentile) and weighed 48.6 pounds (88th percentile). Jocelyn measured 3'6 1/4" (42nd percentile), and weighed 43.4 pounds (72nd percentile)

Jocelyn and Perry have completed two years at Sharon Country Day School and are now going to Moose Hill Nature Camp every weekday from 9 to 3. They seem to be having a good time, except that Jocelyn doesn't like getting dirty.

They start (with a snack) getting ready for bed at 8:45. Perry is usually in bed around 9:15 and Jocelyn is usually asleep at 9:30 or so. They get up between 7:30 and 8:00.

Perry has had short-lived stomach ailments a couple of times. Both have had colds, but never been seriously ill.

Jocelyn's language is pretty much adult. Perry still has only small distinctions between "L", "R" and "W".

Perry can read fluently. His favorite author is Dr. Seuss. Jocelyn can almost read, but doesn't really want to learn it for real.

Perry is entirely potty trained. Jocelyn wears a diaper only at night and mostly does not use it.

Jocelyn is learning to swim. She can do the dog paddle, at least for a few feet. Perry seems to have lost most of his interest in swimming.

Perry is obsessed with maps and directions. He can tell you how to get just about anywhere. He constantly asks "What road are we on"? If he's upset a good way to get him to come down is to ask questions about how to get from one place to another. He is more willing to do what other people are doing and has not been getting in trouble at camp for leaving the group, as he did last year.

Perry constantly asks "why" questions, often ones which don't have answers. Even more, he asks hypotheticals like "What if all the roads were dead ends?"

Jocelyn is somewhat shy of strangers, but much less than before. Perry is not shy at all.

Jocelyn still sometimes screams when she doesn't get her way. She's more likely to calm down quickly then she was, but still sometimes goes on for half an hour. We have to restrain her from taking what she wants by force.

Perry is mostly good-natured, but sometimes gets very upset if plans change or if things don't happen the way they did in the past.

Perry and Jocelyn like to have babysitters and there's no problem having babysitters put them to bed.