Jocelyn and Perry Olum at 48 months

Jocelyn weighed 39.4 lb. (81st percentile) and was 39.5" tall (46th percentile). Perry weighed 43.8 lb. (94th percentile) and was 40.5" tall (56th percentile).

Jocelyn and Perry eat a range of foods, but rarely what we are eating. Favorites include cheese toast (which they can mostly make for themselves), yogurt, kefir, rice, applesauce, cottage cheese (Perry), plain tofu (mostly Perry), pizza, and ice cream.

Both children have been in very good health. They hardly ever get sick.

Neither child normally naps, except that Jocelyn often falls asleep in the car. Typically Perry goes to sleep at 9:00 and gets up around 7:00. Jocelyn goes to sleep at 10:00 and gets up around 8:00. Perry requires nothing to go to sleep. He just lies down in his bed, and that's it as long as nothing interrupts him for 10 minutes or so. Jocelyn wants to have stories read or told to her and for you to sit with her until she's asleep. She also requires convincing to start this process because she's "not tired".

Each has their own room and they usually don't need anything in the middle of the night. Perry hardly ever does, but Jocelyn sometimes wakes up and needs an adult to do something for her to get her back to sleep.

Jocelyn has her clothes in her room and is reasonably self-sufficient about getting dressed. If she encounters difficulty, she knows how to call us on the intercom. Perry still needs help and so has his stuff downstairs. Jocelyn's favorite color is purple, with pink a close second. Perry likes red and also blue and green.

Perry continues to often use "ZH" for "Y", and "R" and "L" are indistinguishable. He is sometimes hard to understand. Jocelyn is pretty clear. Jocelyn can hold a conversation and explain things in full paragraphs. Perry probably can too, but mostly he wants to talk about his own things.

Neither Perry nor Jocelyn can read, but they seem to have the prerequisites. They know the letters and their sounds. In principle they understand the idea of stringing the sounds together to make the word, but in practice can rarely do it.

Jocelyn is entirely potty trained during the day. Perry is nearly so. Both often have dry diapers in the morning.

Perry and Jocelyn spend a big fraction of their time playing together, often constructing elaborate fantasies. Occasionally they need intervention, usually because Jocelyn is telling Perry what to do or trying to take all of something.

Jocelyn tries to mother Perry. She tells him what to do and complains to us if he's not doing what she thinks he ought to.

After a bad patch a few weeks ago, Jocelyn has mostly overcome the tendency to scream for a long time when she doesn't get her way, but still does it occasionally.

Jocelyn is still occasionally shy, but mostly gets along well with new people. She loves preschool and camp.

Perry has his own agenda and this leads to problems in group situations such as school and camp. He's perfectly happy doing whatever he feels like doing, but if the group needs to do something else, it can be a problem.

Perry has focused most of his attention on a small number of things, slowly changing as time goes by. Early on it was memorizing poetry, then talking about spelling and making words with letter blocks, and now it is directions and walking. He can tell you accurately how to get between camp, home, and so on, and is continually asking about where streets begin and end and pretending that he is traveling on them.