Jocelyn and Perry Olum at 18 months

Jocelyn weighs 28.8 lb. (94th percentile) and measures 32 1/8" (66th percentile). Perry weighs 33 lb. (percentile 98.7) and measures 33" (72nd percentile). Perry has gotten less fat and more solid. He's tall, broad shouldered, and in every way a big person.

Jocelyn and Perry have been very healthy and hardly ever have colds. Perry once had a mild fever and Jocelyn never.

They eat everything that we eat. Favorite foods include yogurt, cottage cheese, rice and beans, and casseroles.

Jocelyn and Perry can walk and run and go up and down stairs. Jocelyn climbs up the stairs using her feet and one hand and can walk down the stairs holding onto the wall. She sometimes goes up or down a single step without holding on. They can throw or roll a ball, generally in the direction they intend. They can climb on the couch, open a cupboard or drawer, and draw on paper or chalkboard. They will go down the highest slide in the playground, swing high on the swings, and are generally robust and fearless. They can each look through a book without tearing the pages, but not if they are arguing about which page to read next. Jocelyn likes to help set the table and to put the silverware away. Usually she can even put things in the right places.

They typically nap for an hour and a half in the late morning or afternoon. They go to sleep typically around 9:30, and get up around 6:00. They normally don't have milk during the night, but they often wake up and have to be soothed back to sleep.

Perry and Jocelyn can say hundreds of words. We stopped counting them. They occasionally use two word phrases. Perry is getting more sounds in his words, as opposed to just the first consonant. Jocelyn is pretty good at communicating what she needs, but Perry is quite poor when he is upset, and just fusses. Perry memorizes books pretty much immediately and can tell you what comes next if you stop reading. Jocelyn can't voice any part of a word that begins with an unvoiced consonant. She whispers it instead.

Jocelyn can count 10 objects. She isn't very reliable because she doesn't have the idea of finding some order to go through the objects in, so she depends on her memory to know which ones she's done. She's reliable up to about 5, and can even count that high without touching or pointing. Perry counts something like 1,2,3,4,9,10 and doesn't have the idea of one-to-one correspondence.

Jocelyn and Perry love song and poetry and will often demand their favorite songs or poems. Perry sat happily through all of "Paul Revere's ride".

Jocelyn is now happy the great majority of the time, and when she's happy she's very happy. She enjoys bumbling about from place to place, doing one thing after another. But when she doesn't get what she wants, she gets desperately upset.

Perry is often delighted, especially by books that he knows and things that he knows the words for, in particular the concept of "two". He is also often mildly fussy, and sometimes very fussy. Sometimes we don't know the reason.

Their main interaction is still competing for Judy's attention and taking things from each other, but occasionally they do play together with something. They also look out for each other, in the sense that one will give the other something that they think would be appreciated, often insisting even if the other child shows no interest. Jocelyn wants to include Perry in her activities: if she is swinging or eating, she thinks he should be also. They will take turns, sometimes quite willingly.

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