
Kalina Nedkova

Калина Недкова

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I'm originally from Bulgaria and currently, I am a postdoc at Johns Hopkins University/STScI working with Dr. Marc Rafelski. I received my PhD in 2022 under the supervision of Prof. Danilo Marchesini and Dr. Boris Haeussler. Broadly, I study the formation and evolution of galaxies, but I'm particularly interested in measuring galaxy structure and how it has changed in the last 10 billion years. Currently, I'm working on a project to better constrain how the main components of galaxies - namely, the bulge and the disk - have grown in mass and size. You can read more about my research by clicking on the Research button above!

Contact Information

  • Address

    Johns Hopkins University
    Bloomberg Center for Physics and Astronomy
    San Martin Dr, Baltimore, MD 21218
    Office 143