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Re: [tg] Fw: Sad news, passing away of Chris - Osamu

And here's Osamu's address, courtesy of Pam Clasper, if you want to send a sympathy card:

Osamu Miyabe
15 Maitland Place, #1807
Toronto, ON
M4Y 2X3

From: Mary Leland <mdpl alum mit edu>
Sent: Tuesday, February 11, 2025 7:37 PM
To: lndresnick hotmail com <lndresnick hotmail com>
Cc: Tg <tg cosmos phy tufts edu>
Subject: Re: [tg] Fw: Sad news, passing away of Chris - Osamu
Here’s Chris’s page from the IAGSDC History Wiki:

Sent from my iPad

On Feb 11, 2025, at 10:56 AM, David Resnick via tg <tg cosmos phy tufts edu> wrote:

Osamu said I could pass this along to tg, tough news.

I have to announce very sad news. Chris passed away peacefully last Saturday. 

Last Thursday, he became unwell and he was sent to a hospital from a nursing home. Found pneumonia and got treated with antibiotics and IV.  

But his condition was getting worse and switch to a comfort treatment (similar to palliative care) Friday afternoon. 

Last Saturday evening, his breathing stopped very gently, and he passed away like sleeping.    

He will not have any more suffering. He was a wonderful husband, and I was so happy to be with him.  


All the best


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