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Re: [tg] terminology question

Are you thinking of Dunlop?

I agree with phantom twin diamonds.

On Mon, Oct 28, 2024 at 2:03 PM Judy Anderson via tg <tg cosmos phy tufts edu> wrote:
40 years ago we had a name for this kind of thing and I cannot remember
it. There was some Japanese caller who used it with galaxies, meaning
that you should think that some people were in a galaxy with the centers
counter rotated to what they were actually appearing in. It was some
unusual word, not just like twin or phantom or overlapped.

Separately, I don't like just "phantom diamonds", because I think that
would apply if you were in four diamonds which are parallel to each
other (all the centers are in a grand wave, and the points are pointing
to each of the pairs in the grand wave), and then I would work in the
center twin diamonds and the outside twin diamonds if you said phantom
diamonds from there. Now it wasn't that formation, but I think phantom
diamonds is more like phantom lines than any kind of overlapped
thing. So I think you do need to say overlapped somewhere, unless I can
remember the one word that was used to really mean this.

Ken, it came up in some Ray Fuller tape group, but I don't remember any
more details than that. Maybe the call that this concept applied to was
something that was ridiculous like "poetry in motion"? I definitely
remember some poetry in motion galaxy horribleness, and don't know if
it's the same horribleness.

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